iOS 8.4.1 Problems: 5 Things You Need to Know
Yesterday, Apple rolled out an iOS 8.4.1 update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The new update delivers fixes for several problems but it’s also causing problems for some users. With that in mind, we take a look at a few things you need to know about iOS 8.4.1 problems right now and going forward.
In July, just a few weeks after the iOS 8.4 release, Apple unleashed another iOS 8 update in the form of iOS 8.4.1. The company’s initial iOS 8.4.1 release didn’t come for the general public nor did it come with a specific release date. Instead, the company dumped it into the beta program for developers and let those with accounts have at it ahead of the public release.
In late July, Apple released another iOS 8.4.1 beta, a sign that testing and a public release date were making progress. And then yesterday, Apple deemed the update ready and released the iOS 8.4.1 update to iPhone, iPad and iPod all around the planet. It’s currently available Over-the-Air and through iTunes.
iOS 8.4.1 isn’t a big update. Instead, it’s a bug fixer that’s focused on improving Apple Music and killing the iOS 8.4 jailbreak that many iPhone and iPad users used in the aftermath of June’s iOS 8.4 release. The iOS 8.4.1 update is probably going to be the last iOS 8 release before the arrival of iOS 9 next month.
iOS 8.4.1 is small but as we’ve noted many times, even the smallest iOS updates can have a huge impact (positively or negatively) on device performance. You always assume some risk downloading and installing a new update, even if that update’s change log comes with a few fixes.
We’re just 24 hours removed from the iOS 8.4.1 release and we’re already hearing about iOS 8.4.1 problems. And with these iOS 8.4 problems emerging, we want to take a look at everything you need to know about these issues today, tomorrow and in the weeks ahead.
This roundup offers a look at the issues themselves and some steps to take if you do happen to run into iOS 8.4.1 problems on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
iOS 8.4.1 Problems Plaguing iPhone & iPad Users
Now that the iOS 8.4.1 update has been out for a day, we’re starting to see complaints about Apple’s new software start to pick up. There’s a potential for complaints about iOS 8.4.1 problems to grow as more and more people catch wind of the iOS 8.4.1 update and its features.
The fact that there are complaints about the iOS 8.4.1 update shouldn’t come as a surprise. Problems always emerge in the hours, weeks, and months after an iOS updates release. No iOS update is perfect and that extends to Apple’s latest and greatest iOS 8 upgrade.
This is precisely why we tell people to be extremely careful. Many of you will want to avoid installing the iOS 8.4.1 update, at least for right now.
In the hours since the iOS 8.4.1 update’s release, we’re starting to get a read on the problems plaguing iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users who decided to make the move to iOS 8.4.1. The most prominent of these issues include abnormal battery life drain and continued problems with Apple Music and users have taken to social media and Apple’s discussion forums to complain.
iOS 8.4.1 ..more like iOS 8% battery left
— NUTTY! (@NutellaV) August 14, 2015
Updated to iOS 8.4.1 and the battery is still draining at a crazy amount #appleupdate
— Fifi [PB] (@NuggetsRuleZ) August 14, 2015
Updated to the new iOS 8.4.1 and it’s a real battery drainer! — Keith Robinson (@krobbo81) August 14, 2015
Bad iOS 8.4.1 battery life isn’t the only problem affecting those who installed Apple’s latest and perhaps final version of the iOS 8 operating system. iOS 8.4.1 users are complaining about problems with the Mail application on iPad, issues with Wi-Fi, various issues with Apple Music, and more.
We’re pointing these initial iOS 8.4.1 problems out for a reason. First of all, we want to get you pointed in the right direction if you’re suffering from these or other iOS 8.4.1 problems. Apple’s discussion forums, and places like Twitter, are great places to go if you’re struggling.
We point them out to help generate discussion about fixes. And we also point them out as a warning to be careful. iOS 8.4.1 has the potential to cause problems on your device so you’ll want to take some extra precaution.
We recently put together some things to do before installing and some release tips that should help once you make the decision to upgrade to iOS 8.4.1. We’ve also started relaying our own impressions of the iOS 8.4.1 update and its performance.
They’re Isolated
Another thing that you need to know is that these iOS 8.4.1 problems are extremely isolated. Yes, there are problems but none of them appear to be widespread. We’ve been using the iOS 8.4.1 update on several devices over the last 24 hours including the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPad Air, and iPad mini 2 and none of these devices are exhibiting major problems. We haven’t even seen any small bugs pop out. It’s not surprising. iOS 8.4 was extremely stable for us, and a lot of other iOS 8 users, and the fact that the iOS 8.4.1 update went through a month long beta helped Apple and its developer partners squash most issues. We’re starting to see other iOS 8.4.1 users provide feedback and some are claiming that the iOS 8.4.1 update actually fixed some of the problems they were having in earlier versions of iOS.
So far iOS 8.4.1 is giving me better battery life. iPhone 6 is handling this pretty good 👌🏼 — Benjamin Medina (@ItssBenjy) August 14, 2015
Battery life is back and really good on iOS 8.4.1. Thanks Apple iOS-Team! 🙏 — flousy (@flousy) August 14, 2015
We’re also pointing this all out for a reason. Before installing an iOS update, it’s important to gather as much feedback as possible. The complaints might be the loudest things you’ll hear but there are typically some success stories as well. Our impressions are a great starting point but you’ll want to branch out and collect advice from a number of different sources before making your move. This goes for small updates like iOS 8.4.1 and big updates like the upcoming iOS 9 release for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
How to Fix iOS 8.4.1 Problems
If you’ve downloaded iOS 8.4.1 and you’re already seeing problems, there’s no need to panic. At least not yet.
We’ve put together a list of fixes for common iOS 8.4 problems that should help those of you in need. These fixes include ways to improve iOS 8.4.1 battery life, fix poor Wi-Fi connectivity, and more. It’s a great starting point but remember, these fixes aren’t guaranteed to solve your problems.
There are a number of other great resources available to you. Apple’s Discussion Forums are always a great place to look for fixes for serious issues. We’ve also found the MacRumors community to be a great resource. You should get acquainted with both of these ahead of the iOS 9 release.
You Can Downgrade to iOS 8.4
As of right now, you have another option at your disposal. If you are dealing with iOS 8.4.1 problems, know that you can downgrade back down to iOS 8.4.
For a limited time, Apple will sign off on the iOS 8.4 update. The company typically signs off for a week or two before shutting it down. Once it stops signing off, the downgrade loophole closes up.
We recently put together a step-by-step guide that will take you through the iOS 8.4.1 to iOS 8.4 downgrade process. Just remember. If you’re coming from iOS 8.3 or below, you won’t be able to go back to anything older than iOS 8.4 once you move to iOS 8.4.1.
What’s Next
The iOS 8.4.1 update is widely expected to be the final iOS 8 release before Apple releases its iOS 9 operating system and its features and fixes.
The iOS 9 release date is unknown but it looks like it will fall sometime between September 9th and September 28th. When the update arrives, it will bring new features but it should also come with a long list of fixes and enhancements. In other words, it could have some fixes for iOS 8.4.1 problems.
There’s no guarantee though so you’ll want to be extremely proactive in the weeks leading up to the iOS 9 release. iOS 9 might also bring some problems of its own so there’s that too.

08/14/2015 at 9:44 pm
I updated my iPhone 6 to 8.4.1 this morning. I had it in my pocket playing Spotify when I pressed the pause button on my Apple headphones. The phone then turned off and stayed off. It is 100% unresponsive. It doesn’t charge, hard restart doesn’t work, and it will not connect to iTunes. The screen does not even light.
Billy Waters
08/15/2015 at 3:51 pm
Mine did the same thing. I took it to the Apple Store and the guy plugged it in one of the demo Mac. And did the hard reset, it turned on and seems to be doing ok now. I talked to apple and the lady advise me to restore the phone, but I did not do that yet. I wanted to see if the phone did the same thing again.
Laurie Burkes
09/19/2015 at 9:11 am
Pissed too! Did the new Apple iphone software upgrade…BIG mistake!!!! Cant find my camera, no safari and my app store icon is gone!
Christian Hansen
08/15/2015 at 3:35 am
This morning I upgrade to iSO 8.4.1 and and suddenly many functions on my mobile site does not work. The site is Cant click the menu out and many ajax function wont fire. It is so annoying. Any one have anything on this. I tried with an iPhone 5S on IOS 8.4 and it worked fine the site. Then I upgraded that phone and then it did not work. So it is the update IOS 8.4.1 that are causing this. That is so uncool Apple.
charles counsil
08/15/2015 at 5:57 am
iOS 8.4.1. automatically downloaded on ipad air but will not install and “settings” is frozen
Christian Hansen
08/15/2015 at 8:41 am
Its the hyperlink bug that has been introduced again. I hate you Apple. Cant click links on certain pages.
Bill Hall
08/15/2015 at 12:19 pm
I updated this am and could not open any facebook photos posted. After checking i found an iphone 6+ firmare update that seems to have resolved my issues.
Fred Rendon Jr
08/16/2015 at 3:11 pm
how long is it taking to up grade? Mine has been on for six hours? anyone else?
08/17/2015 at 6:21 am
Mine said it would take as much as 36 hours. I’ve tried it a dozen times over the weekend. After several hours,mot always come up withman error notice. It still hasn’t downloaded. I wouldn’t care, but it has disabled the FB app.
08/16/2015 at 3:47 pm
8.4.1 ruined my iPad2. Every app update (three of them) required verification, but iTunes rejected my previously okay credit card. The three digit security code was missing and required rentry, but iTunes rejected it. Tried to do a backup and iTunes no longer recognized “my” iPad2. It recognizes only generic iPad. Attempting to “update” to 8.4.1 AGAIN, but if it does not work I have to go back to factory settings. Thanks Apple.
Beware 8.4.1 !
08/17/2015 at 2:02 am
Apple have lost the plot! The last update I did on my iPad was 8.1 and that brought enough damn issues for me. I lost faith in them after that and am seriously considering moving to a more reliable tablet who can get their act together. Two others in my household own samsung and have never had an issue – not that I’d ever consider that brand! Apple have had issue after issue with updates for too long. For the first 18mths of having my iPad I thought Apple was THE one to be with. Just glad I didn’t end up forking out for a damn iPhone after all – if they can’t get their act together!
08/17/2015 at 9:53 am
after the upgrade my mic works, then doesn’t…have to restart…. :(
08/17/2015 at 11:00 am
Had some wonly restarts and my battery is good for half a day if I dont do anything but email.
Will downgrade for find a site that lists the fixes instead of talking about them.
Skyla-Lee BeYounique Kurspe
08/17/2015 at 11:39 am
Another problem it’s doing is killing the iPhone dead my old iPhone 5s was updated and now won’t turn on or anything Apple have confirmed its the update that’s done it and there willing to replace the phone
08/17/2015 at 12:28 pm
I suggest the author of this article take a basic journalism class. A long-winded, rambling piece that meanders around the point while barely getting there. The article could be cut by 75% and lose nothing.
08/19/2015 at 1:29 pm
It’s for SEO. Pure trash so that it ranks higher in google.
08/31/2015 at 5:01 am
As a Journalist and publisher, I agree… This looks like a piece that was written to reach a word quota…
08/17/2015 at 7:33 pm
I hate Adam Millypoo
08/18/2015 at 5:29 pm
My issues are with updating & uploading apps. I had 9 apps that needed updating which occurred after ios 8.4.1 was released. The updates wouldn’t complete, it was taking hours & still not completed. Then I noticed I hadn’t updated ios 8.4.1 yet & though that may be the reason the updates wouldn’t work. I was able to get the ios update (it took over 2 hours). I also deleted a few apps: Facebook, adobe, airbnb. I thought it may work to start all over with the apps. I also left dropbox & tried to update. Still not working. I gave up after 4 hours of trying to update one app & 8 hours of trying to upload a new app (airbnb). Also, my web browser is very slow. I have same wireless connection with my laptop (windows) & its working fine on that pc.
Is anyone having these issues? Any one know a fix? Is this because of the ios 8.4.1 update?
09/03/2015 at 10:55 am
Did you ever get any more info on how to fix issues you were seeing with all updates that wouldn’t complete? I am having sane issue since updating to 8.4.1 and tried several times and it take hours & still not one completed!. Now I have at least 7 app updates pending without any success….
08/18/2015 at 5:31 pm
I forgot to mention issues are with my ipad 3
08/19/2015 at 6:20 am
This article sucks, it is saying two oposite things with 1000+ unnecessary words. I am sure that you are paying to be the first in google. Will never click on gottabemobile link again. losers!
Elliott DeGraff
08/19/2015 at 7:11 pm
08/19/2015 at 7:14 pm
I don’t use apple music. Is there any reason to install 8.4.1 on my iPad Air?
08/19/2015 at 11:30 pm
I can’t update my iOS from 8.4 to 8.4.1 version. Simply the page on agreeing the terms and conditions doesn’t move up after u press the Agree bottom.
Jenny Mathews
08/20/2015 at 4:20 am
My update started at 9pm last night. Now 9.15pm, 24+ hrs later. Hasn’t progressed at all. Rebooting just takes me back to where it has been for the past 24 hrs.. Totally incapacitated. Will have to drag the old Samsung out – shame on you, Apple!
08/20/2015 at 10:40 pm
Updated to 8.4.1 on iPhone6 now have no ability to browse or explore in App Store- spoke with apple and went through tech for 2hrs..nada
Same blank App Store- have apt w AppleStore. I’d hold off on this update for a bit- usually I do…learned hard way now
Janish Suratwala (india)
08/20/2015 at 11:45 pm
In Settings>Itunes and App Store> sign out and sign in again on iTunes and the issue should be resolved.
08/21/2015 at 2:01 pm
Its not possible to open mail, jou see only the adressen no more
08/22/2015 at 2:13 am
I can’t download apps, apple music plays the songs whenever it wants, the links from email don’t redirect anymore and pages freeze in safari, from time to time!!!! Why the hack are so many updates and releases? Following Androind’s path somehow?….
08/22/2015 at 8:11 am
Iphone devices started pissing me off! Always battery life issue. In your updates you focuss on music store but we like music store the way it used to be. We need battery life issues to be fixed! Now i can’t leave the house without charger in my pocket. Sonny experia has found a solution for battery life. Do the same please
Knut Gribb
08/23/2015 at 1:11 am
What happened to my music?? I had more than 2800 songs on my mobile under the old music app. Since updating to iOS 8.4.1 I can no longer access this music!! This cannot be right. Execute a fix Apple!
Honey Maung Maung
08/23/2015 at 9:03 pm
I can post photos and status in facebook with PC. But lately I can’t post photos with some status after I upgraded IOS 8.4.1. Really strange things happened when I use facebook.
T G Rajagopalan
08/24/2015 at 12:04 am
I opted for the software update on my iPAD 8.4.1 & my iPAD has stopped downloading mail including gmail.I am able to browse but not get my mail.I am not very bright to do a ‘go back to 8.4’ Local technicians who service Apple products do not have a clue.I have rebooted several tims and reconfigured gmail,still the same problem.
Kamile Elaine
08/24/2015 at 9:40 am
I updated my phone to IOS 8.4.1 and I can’t hear any sounds.
No sounds while Im playing music, no lock sounds or keyboard clicks.
I’m worried. Please help
08/25/2015 at 5:12 pm
Here Is also same issue since updated ISO 8.4.1 it’s wrost my battery drain and some app not functioning it has stop working automatically could you please fix as soon as
08/28/2015 at 12:56 pm
Can’t update any apps on iphone 5S after udpating to 8.4.1. Absolutely ridiculous.
K parker
08/28/2015 at 2:59 pm
I can’t pair my phone with blue tooth devices anyone else experiencing this?
V. Davis
08/30/2015 at 12:23 am
I am experiencing several problems: cannot connect my Belkin Qode anymore. iPad 2air sees it in “other devices” but won’t even move it to “my devices”. My IPhone 5s battery drains completely in about 12 hours, the IPad 2 air is a bit better, battery lasts about 14 hours.
08/30/2015 at 10:44 pm
Hello Everyone – i am having a lot of issues since 8.4.1 (see thread) – Apple even replaced my 6+ at the store. Now Facing similar issues on my iPad air with no solution found – i encourage everyone to visit the apple support communities thread and participate to this so we can be heard.
This is unacceptable from apple, bricking our costly devices through unnecessary updates.
08/31/2015 at 5:11 am
Safari hangs / Google chrome works fine
iBooks won’t open / kindle app does
Can’t download previously purchased apps
Apple music doesn’t play my albums
Settings/general iCloud tab freezes iPad
Settings/general itunes & App Store tab locks up iPad completely
09/04/2015 at 4:08 pm
I cannot open any of my previously uploaded music either. Also, links/hyperlinks will not work from email. I am almost ready to get rid of all my Apple devises.
09/06/2015 at 10:41 pm
I am having issues with my iPad connecting to WiFi. The settings have a check mark next to my WiFi network yet the iPAD itself does not connect. I upgraded to 8.4.1…I’ve tried rebooting, forgetting the network, turning WiFi off and on, etc. NOTHING WORKS! Anyone have any suggestions?
09/07/2015 at 2:01 pm
iPhone 6 Plus,
Links in emails stops working, web page problems. A reboot solves the issue for a while.
Music App, fails to play some downloaded songs. A reboot solves the issue for a while.
Any one else experience those issues? Or should i return the iPhone?
09/09/2015 at 4:45 am
This week I updated to 8.4.1
Now, suddenly, it often doesn’t take photos! I first noticed that I was missing a lot of photos I thought I had taken and started noticing. I’d press to take photo, and nothing would happen. Occasionally, a photo would take but not dependably. I tried different things, made my finger warmer (shouldn’t be an issue-I’m in Florida and it’s 80* when I’m taking sunrises), hold finger on “button” tap finger, reboot, etc.
Nothing works. It’s very frustrating.
Is this happening with anyone else? Is there a fix or a workaround for this sort of problem?
Chris Moore
09/13/2015 at 7:12 pm
I believe one other issue is with ghost touching. Basically what it means is that if you put the littlest pressure on iPad or iPhone the screen goes nuts. Starts opening apps and closing apps and turns pages real fast with kindle app. Anyone else having this issue. Cause it was happening with my refurbed 32 gig iPad mini brought it back downgraded to 16 gig iPad mini cause no more 32 gigs in stock got home and was using my iPhone 5s with same software upgrade and guess what it was doing the same thing when I was trying to add music to a playlist. But so far 16 games gig iPad mini is fine with iOS 8.4.1 will give update on this issue if it happens
pinki sharma
09/22/2015 at 11:43 pm
I have updated my iphone to 8.4.1 and after that I am not able to download and update any app from app store.
Can any one tell is there some setting is changed??
J Barton
08/01/2016 at 5:07 pm
so, where is this list of common fixes you have put together?