iPad 3 to Usher in Pixel-Packing Tablets in 2012
Come 2012, we’ll start to see more tablets pack in more pixels, according to analysts. The trend will be led by Apple’s third-generation iPad tablet, which will help lead the push, though it won’t be alone as top Android tablet-manufacturers will also increase their display resolutions.
NPD DisplaySearch analyst David Hsieh says that 2012 will bring in tablets with 200+ pixels per inch. Today, the average is just around 150 ppi. The iPad 3 is expected to sport a resolution of 2048 X 1536, or double the resolution of the current iPad 2; that tablet will have a resolution of 264 ppi.
Android tablets, which will soon migrate to quad-core computing power, will also see a boost in resolution, migrating from the high end 1280 X 800 resolution of today to a resolution of 1920 X 1200 in 2012. Quad-core chips will be a key factor in supporting higher resolution displays.