iPad soars, Tablet PC snores… maybe
With all the buzz over iPad pre-sales figures (120,000–150,000), I decided to check it against last year’s Tablet PC figures. Turning out to be more problematic than I thought.
It should come as little surprise that Tablet PC sales figures aren’t followed that closely, but I’m finding one million from one analyst and 3 to 4 million from another. No way to know whether they’re counting strictly Windows-based Tablet PCs or lumping others in there but the wildly disparate figures indicate how little anyone was paying attention.
I also dug up this little tidbit from 2005: “In the years to come, experts expect a significant sales increase, the value of this market leaping from $1.2 billion in 2004 to $5.4 billion in 2009, In-Stat announced.” Not bad if that 4M figure holds up, but pretty far off if it’s only 1M. I can only hope tablet sales tracking will improve now that people are watching the iPad.

03/15/2010 at 8:09 pm
Average TPC prices are well above $1000 (my guess is $1500+). There is no way you can compare that to something that costs average of $600~700. It’s apples to oranges.
Just look at XBox360 vs PS3. PS3 never recovered from it’s $550 average price vs 360’s $400 in the first year. And that was rather close in price.
03/16/2010 at 2:16 am
I want an orange or least a tangerine. One apple and you should see a doctor with a nice white coat that has self-cuddling sleves.
I was hoping that the iPad would bring down the price of PC tablet convertibles – has not yet (down-under in OZ)
03/15/2010 at 9:19 pm
IF the tablet PCs are marketed right,
the iPad user base could be tapped to
step up to a full function PC tablet,
(if people like the iPad enough)
03/16/2010 at 12:03 am
The vast majority of iPad users will never want a Tablet PC.
03/16/2010 at 6:27 pm
Why won’t the iPad user want a more advanced device
if they like the iPad?
03/16/2010 at 4:40 am
The problem with the Tablet PC platform isn’t bad marketing… it’s the lack of marketing and a bad price point. Convertibles need to come to the $1000-$1500 range, period… enough of this $1700-3000 nonsense. Drop the price and advertise the heck out of it!
03/16/2010 at 11:26 am
Price… price… price…
As of today, there is no slate that can compete with the ipad.
So… apple brings a limited slate tablet 3 years later, and still no competence at all.
(at least from a $ point of view)
I dont understand… they have 3 years… hp… late, MS… late, any other significant manufacturer… late.
that´s how you lose the entire market and make ipad a success.