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iPhone 5 iOS 9.1 Release: 10 Things to Watch For



App Updates

App Updates

Be on the look out for new app updates for your iPhone 5. 

In the few weeks since the iOS 9 release, we've seen developers roll out a steady stream of iOS 9 support updates and bug fix updates. We continue to see iOS 9 support updates emerge and you'll want to keep an eye on them as we approach the iOS 9.1 release. 

Look into the reviews. If reviews are good, install the update. iOS 9 support updates should help to make the transition from whatever you're on to iOS 9.1 much smoother. 



  1. Jamietpierre

    10/09/2015 at 6:16 am


  2. roger

    10/24/2015 at 1:25 pm

  3. Erin

    10/28/2015 at 11:17 am

    I haven’t upgraded to the 6 because I’m still really happy with my iPhone 5. It’s been dropped and has taken the odd swim, and I’ve never needed to replace the screen or battery. I’m hopeful that this new update from Apple will prolong my 5, but an Otterbox would likely help with that as well! Thanks for your review.

  4. I don’t know

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