9 Tips for iPhone 6 Plus Buyers
Apple’s iPhone 6 pre-order date is now here which means that both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are now on sale ahead of next week’s iPhone 6 release date. Apple’s 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus has proven to be a hot commodity amongst consumers, selling out in the hours after iPhone 6 pre-orders began. Here, we take a look at some tips that prospective iPhone 6 Plus buyers should keep in mind as we march toward next week’s release.
On Tuesday, Apple finally took the stage and announced its brand new iPhone release, a release that actually consists of two models. The company’s brand new smartphone is dubbed iPhone 6 and it will be coming in two very different versions: The 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the larger 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. As we now know, the two will take over the flagship role from last year’s iPhone 5s and push the iPhone 5c down to Apple’s free on-contract slot.
The company’s brand new iPhones both come with sleek and slim metal designs, A8 processor, upgraded cameras including Optical Image Stabilization on the iPhone 6 Plus, tons of storage options, Retina HD displays, a number of different price points, major U.S. carrier options, and Apple’s new iOS 8 operating system.
Early this morning, Apple and its carrier partners starting taking iPhone 6 pre-orders and iPhone 6 Plus pre-orders ahead of the iPhone 6 release date on September 19th. Per usual, the iPhone 6 pre-orders produced a chain reaction of events that have pushed shipping times and caused a number of headaches for prospective buyers.
In particular, the larger iPhone 6 Plus is causing problems because of its popularity. It’s sold out virtually everywhere at the moment leaving frustrated consumers in its wake. Here, we want to take a look at some key tips for iPhone 6 Plus buyers. These apply to those that have already bought the device and those that are thinking about buying the iPhone 6 Plus in the coming days.
Keep an Eye on Your Order
If you were one of the lucky few that managed to obtain an iPhone 6 Plus pre-order for the iPhone 6 release date next week, be sure to keep an eye on the progress of that order.
The status of your order could change, you will at some point get shipping information, and you’ll want to ensure that everything having to do with your payments goes smoothly. We recommend checking in on the order at least once a day to make sure that everything is progressing nicely.
If something does pop up, call customer service. We expect their lines to be slammed over the next week or so you’ll need to remain patient. Talking to a human is typically much more efficient than dealing with the site itself.
Make iPhone 6 Plus Release Date Arrangements
Furthermore, if you purchased an iPhone 6 Plus and you’re certain that you’re getting it next Friday, you’ll want to make proper iPhone 6 release date arrangements.
Some of you might work from home, others might have the day off. Whatever the case may be, you’ll have someone around on September 19th to sign for your iPhone 6 Plus. Yes, the delivery services will require a signature of some kind in order to make the delivery. In other words, you’ll need to have someone home during the day.
Maybe that someone is you. If it’s not you, you’ll need to make the proper arrangements otherwise your precious cargo will head back on the truck, back to the delivery center. Of course you should be able to request them to hold it for you at the delivery center for a pickup should you miss out on the delivery but if you don’t get off work until late, you might be in some trouble.
Plan ahead.
Make Sure To Lineup Early on Friday
If you haven’t pre-ordered the iPhone 6 Plus yet, we have some key tips for you to keep in mind as we move further away from Apple’s initial iPhone 6 pre-order date.
First, if you’re looking to get the iPhone 6 Plus on its September 19th release date, you’re going to have to line up. Apple and its carriers in the U.S. are sold out of pre-orders and that means that the only way to get it on September 19th is by lining up outside and becoming part of the iPhone release date spectacle.
The iPhone 6 Plus is a popular phone and there are going to be tons of people looking to pick it up on Friday. We can’t say how many but we should see lines. In the past, we’ve recommended people show up around 4AM local time in order to get a good spot in line. If you’re picky about which model you want, we’d show up a bit earlier than that to be safe.
This might sound crazy but there are already lines forming for release day. Those lines are at Apple Stores and not carrier stores though we expect lines to occur just about everywhere next Friday.
Check In With Your Local Store Early
Be sure to check in with your local carrier, Apple Store or retailer a day or two early. If you head in there on Thursday afternoon and ask about potential stock and the potential for lines outside, you might garner some key information that will help you on iPhone 6 release day.
Not all customer service people are going to be helpful but if you’re a little worried about not getting the iPhone 6 Plus next week, you will want to go in, be friendly, and ask for their advice. They’ll more than likely shed some insight on the lines and more importantly, you might get some information about the kind of stock they have on hand for September 19th.
This could prove valuable to those that are looking to buy through a retailer like Best Buy. Typically, stock there and at other retailers is very uneven.
iPhone 6 Plus Deals
If you’re looking for a solid iPhone 6 deal, look no further than Walmart. The retailer is going to be offering the 16GB iPhone 6 Plus for just $279 on-contract. That’s not a huge steal but it’s one that you should be aware of as we head deeper into the month and closer to next week’s iPhone 6 release. You might find other iPhone 6 Plus deals but they likely won’t shave an immediate $20 off the cost.
Don’t Settle
You have waited two years or more for Apple to release a large screen phablet like the iPhone 6 Plus, there is no reason to settle on release day or at any point in the future. If the store doesn’t have your color or the storage size you want, don’t cave and buy something you don’t want. You can wait a few days, weeks or even a month for the model you want to arrive.
Stock is always limited at first before Apple ramps up its supply chain and shipping dates start to recede. Be patient and remain calm during the sell out. It’s essential that you get what you want. The iPhone 6 Plus isn’t cheap.
Order the iPhone 6 Plus Now If…
Those of you that have decided on the iPhone 6 Plus should just get the ordering process out of the way. For one, it’s far less painful than having to call around to various stores on a daily basis to check for stock.
If you order now, you can simply order the phone from the comfort of your own home, wait a few weeks, get a tracking number and get the iPhone 6 Plus delivered without really doing much of anything. It’s a process that works out quite nicely, it just requires a bit of patience.
It’s possible that shipping times could get worse before they get better so it would be wise to simply put in an order for the iPhone 6 Plus now, just in case Apple Stores and carrier stores don’t get iPhone 6 Plus stock back in as quickly as they’d like.
eBay Premiums Aren’t Worth It
You’re probably going to see a number of iPhone 6 Plus models show up on eBay over the next week or so. Avoid buying the iPhone 6 Plus there. You’re probably going to be paying an absurd premium that will not be worth it in the long run.
Apple will be working hard to get the iPhone 6 Plus back on track and we expect that the device will be in stock in just a few weeks. Once Apple gets it back in stock, shipping times will continue to ease until they are on par with the rest of the iPhone 6 models. At the worst, we anticipate a month long wait for some people.
For some of you, it may be worth a thousand dollars to get the iPhone 6 Plus on or around the release date. For most of you, it will be worth saving the thousand bucks and waiting a few weeks to pay $300.
Check out the iPhone 6
Finally, we highly recommend taking a look at the other iPhone 6, the 4.7-inch iPhone 6. It’s a solid alternative and best of all, it isn’t facing the same supply issues as the iPhone 6 Plus. We don’t want you to settle of course but we think the smaller iPhone 6 is certainly worth a look if you’re still not set on Apple’s larger iPhone.

09/12/2014 at 3:03 pm
“For some of you, it may be worth a thousand dollars to get the iPhone 6 Plus on or around the release date. For most of you, it will be worth saving the thousand bucks and waiting a few weeks to pay $200.” –
Starting cost for the iPhone 6plus is $299, not $200.