It’s even easier to view and send files with Pogoplug
Got a Pogoplug? If so, you’ll be happy to know a new software upgrade makes it even easier to view files on and get files to your Pogoplug. In many cases, all you’ll need is a web browser and web access.
First up, rather than simply grabbing files from My.Pogoplug.Com and opening them locally, you can now view many file types in the web browser. So if you want to read a Word file, but you’re on, say, a web tablet with no office software installed, you’ll be able to read the file directly in the browser. Supported file types include:
- Microsoft Word (Office 95 and newer) – .doc, .docx
- Microsoft Excel (Office 95 and newer) – .xls, .xlsx, xls5, xls95
- Microsoft PowerPoint (Office 97 and newer) – .ppt, .pptx
- Open Office Documents (.stw, .sxw)
- Open Office Drawings (.sxd, .std,.odg)
- Open Office Presentations (.sti,.sxi)
- Open Office Spreadsheet (.stc,.sxc)
And if you want to get files on to your Pogoplug from anywhere, now you can email them in to [email protected]. The system uses the existing authentication to identify the send, so presumably you need to use your register email address, but it pretty much locks out anyone else from sending files to your Pogoplug (such as files you really wouldn’t want). Couple of really good improvements for Pogoplug users on-the-go.
Via the Pogoplug blog.