Latest Microsoft Ad Knocks Macs for Not Having Touch
After a brief lull it looks like Microsoft is back at the comparison advertising game, this time taking on Apple. Microsoft’s latest ad takes on Apple and the Mac for not having a touch screen and the iPad for being too small. Called Honestly: Wedding Planner, the ad is pushing all-in-one computers with the HP Envy Rove 20 featured. A bride-to-be says that she was looking at a Mac but decided she needed a less expensive, larger device with a touch screen so her girlfriends could help her get ready for the wedding.
Microsoft had been on an advertising tear with Google’s ad polices and the Chromebook in its crosshairs back last fall and early winter. The Scroogled campaign, while entertaining came under fire from many for reaching a bit too far and prompting some to say Microsoft was more on the defensive instead of on the attack. Those ads must have had some effect because Microsoft is going back to the comparison game, albeit with a little softer edge in this particular ad.
Don’t anticipate Apple to introduce a touch screen Mac anytime soon. And Microsoft is obviously hoping you’ll notice that as a detriment when you start shopping for your new computer, along with the higher price point of Macs. After all if you’re planning for a wedding, costs do add up. Honestly, it is difficult to see how using a touch screen on an all-in-one is any more beneficial than a non-touch computer from any maker.