Making strides towards a paperless office
News today from TempWorks, a solutions provider for the staffing industry, that helps address the exasperating issues of forms and human resources.
TempWorks Software, a leading provider of innovative technology for the staffing industry, today announced news of its latest paperless staffing solution. The new solution, DocCenter, provides an innovative method for managing the intense paperwork related to the vast number of industry-related forms that require completion, signatures and storage.
Recognizing the efficiency struggles prevalent in a form-intensive business such as staffing, TempWorks sought to provide a solution that would alleviate the hassles related to manually completing each employee form and the time spent on sorting and filing the documents. In addition to efficiency enhancements, the cost and concern of physical storage space is eliminated, while the accessibility of these forms becomes effortless.
With DocCenter, a staffing company can capture the needed form data and signatures electronically. Capturing all data for forms such as W-4’s and I-9’s, employees can then submit their signatures via a signature pad connected to a PC, or by using a Tablet PC. After submission into the TempWorks database, the form is converted into a PDF file and saved to the employee’s record.
DocCenter utilizes Microsoft InfoPath 2007® technology, which enables new documents to be easily created and added to the system. Signatures are collected by using a Topaz Systems® signature pad or through entry on a TabletPC®.
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