Microsoft Reader woes!
A couple of years ago Microsoft was giving away a couple of ebooks a week. My wife and I got hooked to reading books on our Tablet PC’s. I have bought a few over the years, and all was okay until recently. I had to reimage my M280, and my M200 went out for a hard drive replacement. Both devices were previously “activated” with my Reader account. Now neither one will work, nor will they activate. I sent in a request to have my count reset, and have heard nothing. I tried the phone number on the Reader web site, but it says it is not longer in service.
Now I own 20 or 30 useless lumps of e-books. I have no recourse other than to get on the phone and wait forever to get support from someone. What number do I call? Who will help with this issue?
I am getting ready to go on a trip, and I want my e-Books! I am NOT happy.