Mobility Guru Review Of Toshiba M400 Tablet PC
Barry Gerber has published a not too favorable review of the Toshiba M400 Tablet PC on Mobility Guru. He begins his review with a title that asks, Has Toshiba’s M400 Tablet PC Reached The Conceptual Limits of Tablet PC?
While the reviewer certainly takes issue with a number of factors about the M400, at least you know where he stands with his preferences, so I’ll give him credit for stating those up front, and measuring his likes and dislikes against them. Unlike some, it appears he at least gave the object of the review a somewhat decent workout. There are also some very interesting performance benchmarks and equally interesting charts on screen brightness to examine. At the conclusion of the review, his personal preferences lead him to recommend Fujitsu’s P1510D over the M400 and although I believe that is equal part stating a preference and equal part driving traffic to other review pages filled chock-a-block with ads (more on that later) it proves, yet again, that Tablet PC and Mobile PC decisions are indeed very personal ones.
Side note: I know a big part of the Web 2.0 ethos is advertising driven. Stating a personal preference of my own here, I’m not a fan of reviews or lengthy artciles that are so broken up with advertising that it diminishes the value of the pictures, charts, and diagrams that accompany them. Tough to tell what is advertising and what is content. Maybe that’s the point. Just a big turn off for me. And if, as stated in the preamble to the review, Mobility Guru is shortening their hardware reviews to focus on what’s “most important,” I would agree with the editor that the shorter versions are much more preferable than the longer ones, especially if the longer versions are as heavily populated with ads.
Hat tip to GBM reader Mark de Jeu