Moto Maker Review: Moto X Customization Options Explored
The Moto X is the first smartphone users can truly customize to fit their tastes, needs and sense of style choosing from a wide array of colors and customization options in the Moto Maker studio.
Earlier this week I was able to go hands on with the Moto Maker to customize a Moto X on AT&T. Picking the colors and a personal message that goes on a smartphone is an exciting experience, but can be a little daunting for consumers who have trouble making decisions.
Read: Moto X Announced
With excitement and a little apprehension I logged into the Moto Maker to start making the Moto X mine. The site I tested is in beta so not every option was available, and Motorola has yet to offer the wood back that they showed off at the launch event, but overall I was able to get a feel for what it’s like to personalize the Moto X.
The Moto Maker is only available for AT&T versions of the device now, but will soon be arrive for the Verizon model. No matter which carrier you are on, any customization will need to take place online. Users can buy a card to redeem online while at an AT&T store, or do everything online.
I am able to customize the Moto X immediately after logging in, starting with the main back color. While initially disappointed that there is no orange option, I quickly switched through 18 main color choices settling on a bright green.
After picking the main color, I also picked a metallic accent color for the camera ring and volume buttons, and a front color. I picked orange for the accent and white for the front. There are only two front choices, white and black.
With the range of main and accent colors it is possible to make a Moto X in the colors of most professional sports teams, high school or college colors. I created, then changed a Miami Dolphins Moto X, shown above.
Read: Moto X’s Secret Weapon is Choice
Next up, users can put a signature on the back of the Moto X. This optional step lets users put a name or phrase on the back of the device. Users can late customize the boot screen to show a similar message. Motorola will soon sell a snap on case to go with the Moto X, though after spending all this time and effort making the Moto X my own, I don’t see the same appeal for a case as I do with an iPhone.
Next up I picked the features. This is where users can pick between a 16GB or 32GB Moto X, set a custom Power On screen, wallpaper and pick accessories. The Moto X includes a wall charger in a color that matches the front color, and right now the store includes SOL Republic JAX headphones in matching colors to the main body of the Moto X for $39.
During the feature setup I could also choose to have my Google account already synced to the Moto X, so I would only need to enter my password when it arrived.
That’s all it takes to customize a Moto X. AT&T will have color options on display in the store so users can see what each color looks like in real life, and if things don’t look just right when it arrives four days later, customers have a 14 day return window, even with the customizations.
If a user paid for a card in store, there is no need to enter anymore billing information online, unless they add accessories. The Moto X should take about four days to arrive and is assembled in the U.S.
At checkout users can opt for a two-year Moto Care accidental protection service that runs $85. This plan offers accidental damage coverage and extends the warranty for two years. A $39 deductible is required for each accidental damage claim. There are no fees for shipping, and Motorola will send a spare Moto X to use while you wait for a replacement to be made.
Even without an orange option, the Moto Maker experience is a fun new way to design and buy a smartphone. I’ve always looked at Colorware as an option to add color to an iPhone, but never could justify the cost and time without a phone. By assembling the Moto X in the U.S. and handling the customization options in house, Motorola makes it easy to get a truly personalized phone.