New Motorola Droid Bionic Benchmark Reveals Dual-Core TI OMAP Chip, Not Tegra 2
A new set of benchmark has leaked online for the Motorola Droid Bionic, a handset that Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha had stated that they are not just delaying, but taking back to the drawing board to re-design for a summer launch alongside the 4G LTE modem upgrade for the Xoom tablet. The latest Nenamark benchmark suggests that the Droid Bionic would be released with Android 2.3 Gingerbread, a qHD display, and a processor powered by Texas Instruments.
What’s curious and notable about the benchmark is that it reveals a PowerVR 540 GPU, which Droid-Life says “matches up to the new TI OMAP 4430 and 4440 dual-core processors.”
There were prior rumors that the reason for the Droid Bionic delay is that Motorola couldn’t get the Tegra 2 chipset to operate on Verizon’s 4G LTE network, and that the NVIDIA-made applications processor caused some radio frequency interference with the mobile broadband radio.
Since Motorola had debuted the Motorola Droid Bionic at the Consumer Electronics Show, as one of Verizon’s 4 new 4G LTE handsets, the device has sparked some controversy around the internal processor that was used.
At the show, a Motorola representative had informed me that the chip inside the Droid Bionic is actually a TI OMAP chip that’s dual-core, not a Tegra 2 chip that was found in the Motorola Atrix 4G for AT&T and the Motorola Xoom tablet. Since the show ended, Motorola had been quiet and various tech blogs have reported that the device will ship with a Tegra 2 processor, which is a dual-core ARM-based processor from NVIDIA with the company’s GeForce graphics engine. A few GottaBeMobile readers were adamant that my reporting on the TI OMAP CPU was incorrect.
In March, when I had visited Orlando, Florida for the CTIA trade show, I had asked Motorola PR reps on hand. They had said that they had not publicly released what the core was inside the Droid Bionic, and whatever information I had gotten was unauthorized and they cannot validate the accuracy of that information. They said that the chipset inside was not important and that the device will come with an unspecified dual-core CPU. However, in my conversation afterwards with NVIDIA executives at CTIA, they had informed me that the Droid Bionic does in fact use the dual-core Tegra 2 CPU.
Now, two months after CTIA and the first official benchmarks are revealed online, and that benchmark shows that the Droid Bionic does in fact confirm information from my initial report–that it comes with a dual-core OMAP processor made by Texas Instruments. That information is contrary to the March statement given by NVIDIA executives, however.
Given the latest benchmark information, it’s unclear if at CES in January if Motorola had finalized the chipset, was really pushing for a Tegra 2 chipset, or was at the time mulling to switching to a TI OMAP chip. Motorola had enjoyed a good relationship with Texas Instruments on previous generation high-end devices. Both its Droid 1, Droid X, and its Droid 2 series (Droid 2, Droid 2 Special R2D2 Edition, and Droid 2 Global) all ship with TI OMAP chips, which are based on the ARM architecture. If the latest Nenamark benchmark is accurate, it would indicate that Motorola is returning to its TI relationship.
The number from the benchmark, however, is curious, as it appears that someone had begun to benchmark the device, but stopped the benchmarking halfway through, giving it a score of just 24.0 flat. In comparison, the leaked Droid 3 benchmark reveals a score of almost double that at 44.20.
Nenamark reveals that the device also has a qHD display, which may be the same 4.3-inch screen as on the Droid X2, along with Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread, which unfortunately isn’t the 2.3.4 that will support video chat.

05/29/2011 at 5:31 am
when is it comming out
06/15/2011 at 8:14 pm
Supposedly it is going to have Netflix on it as well! I’m stoked about it! the articles at !
Xing Guo
06/21/2011 at 1:07 am
Motorola Droid Bionic Goes Patriotic, Releases July 4th Weekend
05/30/2011 at 5:05 am
If the Tegra 2 processor is incompatible with Verizon 4g, how will they make the promised XOOM upgrade to 4g?
05/30/2011 at 2:54 pm
Benchmark? 24 what? Come on did you just start wrighting about technology? Ah 24 magical fairies………
06/02/2011 at 10:47 am
Of course not only had, it taken forever & been delayed to be released it has a shitty benchmark.(they can only speculate that it was stopped halfway thru) but it also won’t support video chat out of the box. WTF VZW & MOTO? We only have one other dual core device to choose from which also didn’t have 4g which also doesn’t support video chat. I’m really starting to consider jumping ship. If you looked at what Tmo is offering is insane with the amount of sick devices they’re getting & have got. G2, htc sensation, a sicker version if the galaxy s2 I forget what it is calmed at the moment but I read about it the other day. Sprint got the Evo & now they’re getting another great version the Evo3d & of course Galaxy S2. Verizon got the Evo as well I know its called the Thunderbolt & we got a year after Sprint did. I love how VZW is always dead khat when it comes to the best devices or the get a similar device but take the good things out so they can add stuff like City id, VZ Nav, or Vcast apps nobody wants that shit VZW! Stop counting your money & start listening to your customers. Oh You suck to Moto for thinking that the Bionic was gonna be able to compete with devices that have a head start on you by nearly a year now. If you’re not jealous of what b the other carriers are getting I suggest you go to youtube & check out the HTC Sensation for Tmo & then ask yourself where the f*** is VZW HTC dual core device like this? Oh that’s right we got the Thunderbolt (VZW Evo) & Droid Incredible 2 which this has a few minor upgrades, but apparently VZW thought that it was worth most people instead of getting the new dual core devices to sign up & lock yourself into another 2 agreement with a device that Sprint got a year ago & a device that came out last year with a larger screen a front facing camera instead not even 4g! Yeah VZW that’s what I want a last year device instead of a new one like the HTC Sensation or Galaxy S2. I’m sick of waiting to upgrade bcoz of the of devices that are a true flagship device. Do you think it had anything to do with the iphone? Or maybe Verizon thinks that dual core devices are too lame & are going to be the 1st to put out a quad core device? Seriously doubt it. Now I’ll give VZW the fact they have the very best network but the new lte is crowded yet so ill reserve judgement when I actually get to have a device that can use it. Sorry for the angry rant folks just tired of waiting.
06/04/2011 at 3:23 am
LOL cry more?
Who cares what company had it 1st, its all about which company better and which phone better, but hey guess you know how this stuff works……oh wait you dont
06/10/2011 at 3:28 pm
Totally agree with u djkoz I for one is still waiting for better phone from Verizon seems like they put all their money on one egg, the I phone. Which I really hate.
06/12/2011 at 12:28 pm
Jump ship then and quit your crying, christ.
06/17/2011 at 9:11 pm
Ok this is a response to the people telling me to calm down or to quit crying or whatever….. Ok first wanna get this out of the way you guys have every right to voice your opinion on the comments and tell me how I’m acting like a baby or I’m crying that’s the good thing about freedom, but I also have the right to voice my opinion on whatever I feel like if I feel like it.
However I may have been acting a little out of character than I normally, but the fact of the matter is is that I am very passionate about my phone. I love android and I love all things android and smartphone. So me getting angry is like how one of the other commenters would act say if he was watching his favorite football team and every thing is going wrong for them that season and getting angry. Or how maybe 1 of the other commenters was watching his favorite gay porn and you know the guy wouldn’t give him a reach around I understand you would get upset as well. And you have the right to.
This is something that I pay close attention to I am a VZW customer and I have been waiting now for 2 years to Upgrade my phone and I’m sorry but I am a tech nut when it comes to the device that I’m going to lock myself into another 2 year agreement and pay 250.00 possibly 300.00 I want the whole deal. And if you were a VZW customer and you’re looking to upgrade and also are a techie then you would realize that VZW has literally came out with a ton of devices yet not 1 of those devices lately have been a true flagship device I’m sick of every time I hear about a new unbelievably amazing device announced and it is never coming to the VZW network always to another carrier. I have been getting more and more frustrated with the whole business model of VZW and what they do with their devices.
I actually contacted HTC to find out why VZW wasn’t getting a Dual Core 4g LTE the whole works phone from them and HTC said that they can make suggestions to but ultimately VZW has the final say on what specifications they want the device to be and he literally said that VZW decided to go with the Thunderbolt for their device instead. I wish I would’ve kept the email but I didn’t think I would be writing this later. VZW has literally came out this year with nearly every device and it has almost always been a year old device or if it had a dual core they decided 4g wasn’t important. Meanwhile the competition keeps bringing out killer device after killer device and the people LIKE ME who actually do care what the specs on their devices are have literally nothing to choose from.And to see something like the Sensation (I would really like an HTC DUAL 4G Forward Cam, the works phone the most) come out and hear that another killer device is going to be released again for another carrier before VZW gets their f’ing 1st is very infuriating.
I wrote VZW finally explaining to them that they literally had nothing for PEOPLE LIKE ME to choose from and that they’re completely ignoring a piece of their customer base is a big mistake. We may be a small group of people but small doesn’t necessarily mean 1,000 people. More like in the millions. I also if they even read the reviews on the devices they put out recently or did they just skimmed though it bcoz almost every new device VZW released these past months generally said the same thing great device it’s all a matter of preference but WHY ISN’T ANY OF THESE DEVICES DUAL CORE? The Verizon rep called me the next day and was very apologetic but said that I was correct and she was forwarding my email on to their marketing department.
Sorry for the long rant this time but again this is my RIGHT boo hoo sniffle….
06/02/2011 at 12:05 pm
Dude… take a breath. It’s just a freaking cell phone.
06/09/2011 at 6:17 am
Let the guy bitch if he’s his choice. You don’t like tough shit.
06/14/2011 at 3:38 pm
“Let the guy bitch if he’s his choice. You don’t like tough shit.”
Funny how I can copy paste your comment and throw it back at you. Johnsmith is allowed to comment on someone’s bitching just like the original person could bitch in the first place. And yes that means you can bitch about him bitching about the original bitcher. Just throwing it out there. The problems start to arise when someone tries to start a war. Your ending comment of “You don’t like tough shit.” begs to have someone get angry at it so its only point is to start a fight. Eh who am i kidding you posted 5 days ago you won’t see this.
06/02/2011 at 11:27 pm
which processor is better
Xing Guo
06/16/2011 at 7:57 am
thanks for you reviews an i think you can find more news about motorola-droid-bionic on
06/18/2011 at 11:40 am
When will it launch? More fact than fiction: The Droid Bionic it’s about time