Nike+ FuelBand Heats Up Digital Fitness; FitBit & Jawbone, Watch Out
FitBit. Jawbone UP. And now, Nike+ FuelBand. Nike has entered the mobile fitness space with its new wristband that is designed to be worn throughout the day in order to help you achieve your fitness goals. Using a set of 20 LED lights displayed prominently on the device, the NIKE+ FuelBand uses an accelerometer to track four metrics through the movement of your wrists.
Those four components are: Time, Calories, Steps and NikeFuel.
Put the FuelBand on, tell it how active you want to be and how much NikeFuel you wish you earn, and the device will go from red to green when you start reaching your desired goals. The NikeFuel part is the twist. Calories are measured based on gender and body type, while NikeFuel awards you regardless of either. It’s there to motivate you to achieve and exceed your fitness goals, whatever they may be.
The design of the band is ergonomic so it shouldn’t feel uncomfortable around your wrist and it also, as you may have guessed, syncs up with Nike’s Nike+ website through the built-in USB which allows you to track your progress via a computer.
You can also connect it wirelessly through Bluetooth assuming you have an iPhone and the Nike+ app.
The software will both encourage and reward you so that you meet your goals time and time again. So, in a nutshell, it’s a non-intrusive way of making sure you stay active, while allowing you to stay within the confines of whatever routine that you choose.
Nike won’t release the Nike+ FuelBand until February 22nd but it will be taking pre-orders starting today for $149. That price puts it $50 more than both the FitBit and the JawBone UP.
If you’re interested in placing an order today, you attempt to find one over on Just keep your fingers crossed its debut turns out a little better then the Jawbone UP’s.
Via: VatorNews