Nintendo Announcing New Approach To Mobile Gaming This Week?
Nintendo, makers of such legendary game franchise as Mario, Zelda, Pokémon and more, is preparing to announce a new strategy designed to embrace gamers on the devices they own already: their smartphones. At least, that’s according to recent reports.
According to The Nikkei, Nintendo could be preparing to revamp the way it approaches mobile gaming in just days. Unfortunately for users who have hopes of buying the latest installments of Nintendo’s franchises, there’s nothing to really get excited about. If the report is accurate, Nintendo isn’t actually preparing to embrace mobile platforms like the iPhone or devices running Android in any meaningful way.
If these rumors are true, Nintendo is planning to use the mobile devices of others as simply a marketing tool. Allegedly, the company plans to supply videos and release date information directly to users possibly through mobile apps. The report also indicates that while Nintendo has plans to introduce some games to smartphone users eventually. That being said, these would only be “mini games.” That is bite sized nuggets of upcoming titles that designed to get users to purchase their final versions. These final versions would only be available on the company’s own hardware.
If these reports are accurate it’s unclear where this would leave Nintendo. Innovative marketing aside this plan would only turn around Nintendo’s fortunes if it was just suffering from an inability to get information out about its upcoming titles.
While that’s certainly a concern, Nintendo’s biggest issue from user’s perspective is just the opposite. Many people know about the Wii, Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. The problem has been in convincing those users that an investment in Nintendo-made hardware is actually worth it for the relatively little amount of titles that arrive on Nintendo’s platforms every year.
This plan also doesn’t address the core issue that lies at the heart of Nintendo’s dilemma. Having scared off third-party development again with the Nintendo Wii U, the company has next to no online game play elements or mild adult offerings for anything other than its own titles. Sure, being family friendly helped Nintendo corner the games market when gaming was something that only children did. Games and the people who play them have grown up and Nintendo seems to have failed to grow up with them. Offering free marketing material to – iPhone and Android users, presumably – won’t do anything to fix that.
According to the report, Nintendo could announce its new mobile strategy at an investing meeting this Thursday.
01/28/2014 at 9:23 am
Nope, confirmed false. You guys waited too late