ORA: Ultimate Sound System for iPad
The ORA: Ultimate Sound System for iPad is a Kickstarter project that fixes one of the most glaring deficiencies of every version of the iPad since day one – the miserable sound quality.
This case adds a much louder speaker system along every edge of the iPad and promises to improve the iPad’s sound for gamers, movie and video watchers and music lovers.
The ORA: Ultimate Sound System for iPad launched on Kickstarter November 19 and will end on December 30. The makers hope to reach a goal of $450,000 and will hopefully ship sometime in June 2013.
At first the case will only work with the iPad 2 and the New iPad 3rd generation. They want to also offer versions for the iPad mini and iPad with Retina Display 4th generation after the project finishes.
ORA iPad Case Demo Video
The ORA will add some weight and thickness to the iPad. The user inserts the iPad into the ORA after removing the front grill, which then screws back into place from the back.
The ORA speakers surround the iPad. The sound comes from the iPad through the 30-pin dock connector. They claim five times the sound level of the iPad’s built-in speakers. The frame houses 8 THD speakers at up to 16 watts of peak power.
The optional cover works much like the Apple Smart cover. It opens to create a stand that holds the iPad inside the ORA at one of two angles.
The ORA also comes with its own battery giving the user up to 10 hours of sound. Since it connects via the 30-pin dock connector,users can charge the iPad and the ORA at once.
Kickstarter Pledge Levels for the ORA
To get involved in the Kickstarter project of the Ora for iPad backers will need to pledge from $10 to $199. Here are the various levels and what the backer gets for their investment:
- $10 – generously support the company and get only the thanks of the makers in the form of a letterpress print with the ORA logo
- $20 – like the $10 option only twice as generous
- $30 – only the cover/stand in one of five color choices that match the colors Apple offers on their smart cover/case
- $99 – the basic unit in black without a cover. Not many of these left.
- $129 – two options. Same as the $99 but for those who didn’t get in early. Second option is the early bird version with a cover/stand and in a color of the backers choice. Just over 100 left in this second $129 funding level.
- $149 – same as the early bird option above with the cover/stand in color of the backers choice
- $199 – special edition with higher quality aluminum frame
As always, with Kickstarter projects remember that backing a project doesn’t guarantee anything. Some Kickstarter projects never get funded while others that get funded occasionally deliver nothing to the backers. If the project fails after the project is funded, backers have no recourse.