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Outlook Tip: Add Pen Options to Quick Access Toolbar



image One of the frustrating things about Office 2007 is how the inking tools are hidden under the Review Ribbon button. The ink options are harder to find, further sends the message that ink is a second-class citizen in Office products, and breaks that flow of “thinking in ink”. When I want to ink, I don’t want to hunt and peck for my pens. I just want to start inking.

Here is something I’ve done recently to make it easier to access my pens when I want to ink an email, mark up a document in Word, etc. These steps are for Outlook, but they generally apply to Word, Excel, etc. Just substitute Editor Options for Word Options, etc.

  1. Create an email
  2. Click on the Office Button on the top left corner of the email message
  3. Click on Editor Options
  4. Click on Customize
  5. In the drop down of commands, select Ink Tools | Pen Tab
  6. From that list of options add the Ink commands you want to appear in the Quick Access tool bar. I added the Ball Point Pen, Felt Pen, Eraser, Ink Color, and Close Ink Tools. Add as many commands that give you one-click access to your needed ink toolset.
  7. Below the list of commands, put a check next to “Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon”. This will move the toolbar from the top of the window to below the Ribbon, and will require much less hand movement to select your ink tools.

Now you have one-click access to your pens and they are no longer hidden under the obscure “Review” tab. Unfortunately, the Editor Options do not apply system wide in Outlook. You’ll need to make the same changes to the Calendar, Contact, and Journal screens. Just create a new item for Calendar, Contact, and Journal, and then go to the Editor Options for each type to customize the Quick Access Toolbar. Follow the same instructions for customizing Word, Excel, etc.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. jacov

    11/11/2015 at 6:23 am

    i am using outllok 2007 under win10 – i followed your instructions and was able to create the tool bar but the pens are grayed out and not functional

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