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PlayBook Update Brings Better Bridge Support, Enhanced Photo and Video Experience



Research in Motion had begun to slowly push out an update to its BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, which had been the center of recent discontinuation controversy in which RIM is vehemently denying, to bring a number of welcomed updates. The BlackBerry Tablet OS, now in version 1.0.7, better BlackBerry Bridge support, portrait photo viewing, and zooming into video content along with language support for 15 additional languages thanks to RIM continuing to launch the tablet in more countries.

BlackBerry Bridge, for those unfamiliar, is a way of tethering a BlackBerry smartphone to the larger PlayBook to view contents on the phone on the tablet’s larger screen, including emails, calendar appointments, and other messages.

In the new Bridge integration, PlayBook owners can now open up ZIP files that were sent as email attachment and view those content on the PlayBook’s larger screens. Additionally, while manipulating the PlayBook and BlackBerry smartphone over the Bridge connection, users can now opt to save email attachments to the smartphone’s internal memory or to the BlackBerry smartphone’s memory card.

On the BlackBerry itself, photos can now be viewed in portrait mode–previously photos were locked to landscape viewing only. In the video application, video streams can now be zoomed into while the video footage is playing, much like the pinch and zoom gesture supported in photo viewing.

Via: Electronista

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