Samsung Droid Prime Launching Exclusively on Verizon in October?
Remember that rumor we heard a short time ago about the Google Nexus Prime heading to Verizon in October? Well, it looks like that rumor has some legs as BGR is reporting that the Google Nexus Prime will be a Samsung-made device called the Samsung Droid Prime and it will be headed to Verizon in October. Exclusively.
That should dry up a few tears that were shed when we learned Verizon would not be carrying the Samsung Galaxy S II.
Not many details about the Droid Prime are known but apparently it will be the first smartphone with Android Ice Cream Sandwich which was also rumored to be launching in October.
And guess what? That October date falls right in line with rumors about an iPhone 5 launch in October meaning the iPhone is going to be pitted against some serious competition which includes the Prime, Droid Bionic, Galaxy S II, and more.
Smart play by Google here bumping the launch up, if true.
That being said, how many of you are going to be passing on the Droid Bionic in September for the Prime? $300 is a little steep for a new phone but hey, there is no guarantee that the Droid Prime will have 4G LTE.
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08/29/2011 at 4:43 pm
tired of waiting. gonna pick up bionic on launch day and shun myself from any tech news after that….ha.
08/29/2011 at 4:49 pm
09/15/2011 at 5:20 am
such bull crap if it only comes out on verizon its sad that iphone can come out on all carriers
only reason why i didnt bye a nexus s from nexus one at first is because of the crappy non upgrade of anything other than nfc and front faceing camera and 16gs of mem wasnt worth it…. at first now i own it. though if the nexus prime or what ever the next nexus is on comes out out v
its iphone 5 for me
08/29/2011 at 4:53 pm
“there is no guarantee that the Droid Prime will have 4G LTE”
09/06/2011 at 2:07 am
there is no garuntee that any phone that has not been offically released will have 4g LTE
08/29/2011 at 4:56 pm
AWW that’s kinda sad because you know inside that THERE ARE way better phones coming out soon :O
09/15/2011 at 5:21 am
there always will be
08/29/2011 at 4:57 pm
*inside your heart and brain, and heart. :)
08/29/2011 at 5:11 pm
What’s in a name? A whole lot!! I wanna know if this is gonna be a Nexus phone or Droid phone. If that isn’t known come September 8th, I’m sticking with the Bionic.
08/29/2011 at 5:24 pm
What bullshit. Honestly Google, why do you do this shit? You expect people to change carriers each year?
08/30/2011 at 5:27 am
I’m sure they do it to give each carrier a Nexus phone. A lot of people want a Nexus phone but they would be pissed if it stayed with one or 2 carriers. Plus if anyone should have it, I would say Verizon since they have the biggest customer base than any other carrier. Google would be dumb to not give it to Verizon. Especially to compete with the iPhone.
Matt Greenburg
08/29/2011 at 5:30 pm
two Droid branded phones within a month or so of each other? seems unlikely… i think this phone wont see verizon till november – after iphone and vigor – and will be the nexus brand. i dont see why verizon would release nothing worth while for a few months then flood the market. maybe the iPhone will be pushed back but thats unlikely. And come on google needs to out do the iphone specs so is it really not gonna be LTE? That seems unlikely maybe itll be the first new LTE tech to justify a delay and give better battery life.
08/29/2011 at 6:14 pm
Patience is a virtue. . .the prime will make me a nice birthday present,I’ll wait!!!!! Waited this long for the bionic,and its not what I expected anyhow…..
08/29/2011 at 6:14 pm
Patience is a virtue. . .the prime will make me a nice birthday present,I’ll wait!!!!! Waited this long for the bionic,and its not what I expected anyhow…..
08/29/2011 at 7:14 pm
Wanted the S2. Now Prime looks right.
Marty Earls
08/29/2011 at 7:48 pm
The Bionic would have been an awesome phone if it was ready when first planned. Because it was delayed so long it will quickly be outdone by phones that were planned for fall release. I will wait for the Prime
08/30/2011 at 5:30 am
The Bionic would have been just as bad or worse as the Thunderbolt with battery life. Hell, it only had 512MB of RAM, Thunderbolt had more and still sucked initially. With upgrading the processor, doubling the RAM, adding 50% more for battery life, upgrading to Gingerbread, and now especially with the Costco Bundle package….yeah, I think I’ll get that phone lol. There will always be a better phone on the way. You just gotta try to find a badass phone that will last you a while, I see the Bionic as one, not only with the Bundle Package, the battery life, and some decent specs, but seeing as how Motorola was bought out by Google…it can only get better for the Bionic.
08/30/2011 at 5:43 am
Well said! It sucks that the bionic has been delayed so much but people forget what the original specs were. I’m glad moto saw that it was going to suck and upgraded it. I am for sure getting the bionic. There will ALWAYS be something better around the corner. You gotta find something that rocks right now and just be happy with it.
09/08/2011 at 8:08 pm
I agree with Marty. I too wanted the Droid Bionic when I saw the specs in Jan. I understand that the first Bionic had flaws and they improved it to what we had now. I’m glad that Verizion didn’t release this in July and then Aug because I would have preferred the Droid Prime. I’ll wait for that to come out and will decide then.
08/29/2011 at 8:21 pm
I highly doubt Verizon will be the only carrier getting the Nexus Prime considering how the iPhone 5 is going to be available on AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile. The rumor was that the Nexus Prime’s release date was getting moved up to compete with the iPhone 5, but locking the Prime to a single carrier would definitely make it harder to compete with the iPhone 5. I hope that if it does initially launch on Verizon, it will be available on the rest of the carriers by Christmas.
08/29/2011 at 8:21 pm
I highly doubt Verizon will be the only carrier getting the Nexus Prime considering how the iPhone 5 is going to be available on AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile. The rumor was that the Nexus Prime’s release date was getting moved up to compete with the iPhone 5, but locking the Prime to a single carrier would definitely make it harder to compete with the iPhone 5. I hope that if it does initially launch on Verizon, it will be available on the rest of the carriers by Christmas.
08/29/2011 at 11:05 pm
Absolutely no way this is true because Google makes a global phone (i.e., GSM).
08/30/2011 at 12:03 am
If not LTE then I am not interested. If LTE, then it’s a possibility.
08/30/2011 at 12:42 am
I now forgive verizon for ditching the sgs2. but there is NO WAY i’m getting the droid bionic. for me, its the nexus (droid now i guess) prime.
08/30/2011 at 2:14 am
Yep, I have to agree with previous posters. I am tired of “rumored” super-phones that I wait and wait for only to find it will never happen (talking to you Verizon GS2). I will not buy any phone on day one, but the Moto Droid X has been a GEAT phone , and if the Bionic comes in the next couple weeks, and a couple weeks later it has good reviews, and no other competitors are CONFIRMED with full specs and release date, I will get the Bionic. The uberphone rumor mill has consumed all of my time that I am willing to give it. These “secrets” kept by manufacturers and carriers do NOTHING to help sell the phones, and ultimately lead to a lot of pissed off customers who are not able to get adequate information to make informed purchases on he phone that is right for them.
08/30/2011 at 3:00 am
Htc vigor, hands-down (that is IF it’s rumored specs are accurate)
08/30/2011 at 4:03 am
I will be passing on the driod bionic. just because im tired of the delays. verizon is not making it any better. they now have on their website the sign up for the bionic. this was live a month ago. it has no information it just says september and it has been up on their main page for two weeks. i do not care about being toyed with and i feel that both motorola and verizon have been doing that with the bionic. grow up and release the phone already. i will be waiting for anything else though. i hate waiting. im over it period.
08/30/2011 at 5:49 am
Are you really over it cuz it sure does not seem like it. Lol maybe you should switch to sprint. That will really show them (Verizon and moto) lol.
09/05/2011 at 7:56 am
I was literally five mins away from switching to Sprint (they offered me a 137.00usd credit for each device I brought over to them on my family plan) when I came across an article for the Prime.
If they don’t get the Prime I’m going to Sprint without hesitation.
09/05/2011 at 4:51 pm
go to sprint, more bandwith for the rest of us on the best network
08/30/2011 at 2:13 pm
I’m waiting until the second week of October.
If iPhone5 has Verizon LTE then buy (still holding on to a shadow of hope)
[s]else If Samsung SGII has Verizon LTE then buy[/s]
else If Google Nexus Prime has Verizon LTE then buy
else buy Droid Bionic
08/30/2011 at 3:14 pm
Bionic, Prime, Iphone. Do you think any of these will have a fingerprint scanner?
08/31/2011 at 11:56 pm
Prime looks a lot better than gs2 so I don’t care verizon isn’t getting it, was going to get the bionic but after seeing the prime I think ill hold out till oct. See what’s in then, heck I’ve waited long enough for the bionic what’s another month…the prime looks ten fold better than the bionic anyways imo
09/01/2011 at 5:24 am
Can someone answer this question for me? The specs for Nexus prime show a 5mp camera and most phones now are 8mp, how would the Nexus prime be better? I was waiting for the GS2 on verizon and now I have to wait for a different phone and I am trying to research all the possibilities.
09/01/2011 at 8:55 pm
If you like big displays wait for the samsung note.
09/03/2011 at 2:51 pm
it’s not all about mega pixels.. there are other factors that go into image quality, like sensor size. Not sure what any of these phones have, but just looking at MP doesn’t always tell the whole story.
09/04/2011 at 5:31 pm
Droid Prime is Gonna Be Awesome
09/05/2011 at 7:55 am
I can’t wait…still holding onto my OG Droid waiting, and waiting,…annnnnnd waiting for a new device that’s worthy of expectations. Friggin VZW a bunch of dumb bastards.
09/05/2011 at 6:19 pm
The ole OG Droid will have to keep trudging until we see the Prime. If the Prime fails us the Bionic will be cheaper by then.
I have resigned to wait through the holidays to see what unfolds in the industry if needed.
Chris Phillips
09/08/2011 at 11:32 am
i’m up for an early upgrade, but my ne2 isnt up til’ january. if the prime doesn’t have 4g, and it’s not stock android, i’ll probably bite on the vigor, battery issues granted. just gotta figure out to wait for my upgrade or go early. the more i see of the bionic, the less i’ve been wanting it.
09/29/2011 at 10:32 pm
I, like everyone else, like to rip on V, but holy cow, if there isn’t 4G, there is going to be a firestorm.