Galaxy S5
Samsung Galaxy S5 Root Successful: Easy Root Download Available
The Samsung Galaxy S5 root is already available, offering a way to quickly free the new smartphone and allow it to run root apps on Android 4.4.2, more than a week before the Galaxy S5 release date.
Chainfire is a developer who is the author of many popular root apps and who is responsible for the popular CF-Root and CF-Auto-Root tools that make an easy root possible for millions of users. Rooting allows a user to take full control over the phone and run apps with more permissions and in some cases custom software that replaces the version of Android shipped by Samsung.
Late last week Chainfire posted the Galaxy S5 root instructions, and made the Galaxy S5 easy root download available as part of CF-Root, though there is an important restriction right now.
The Samsung Galaxy S5 root only works on the Galaxy S5 SM-G900F international model. There is hope that a new tool will arrive to root the AT&T Galaxy S5 and other U.S. models soon. According to the posting, once stock firmwares for the U.S. Galaxy S5 models become available the developer will update CF-Root for the Galaxy S5 on U.S. carriers.

A Samsung Galaxy S5 root tool is already available.
The Galaxy S5 root guide is shared in full on xda-developers and the Galaxy S5 root download is already available for the international model. Users can download the files to be ready to root the Galaxy S5 as soon as the release date arrives. For Galaxy S5 users in the U.S. there is no need to download anything today. Instead you should pay attention to this post that outlines the Galaxy S5 models that CF-Root works with.
Using the provided Galaxy S5 root tool it should only take 30 seconds to root the Galaxy S5. That’s faster and easier than many root tools available from other developers. Users that find this helpful can donate to Chainfire, but like many root tools and jailbreak tools there is no charge to download the file. Be wary of anyone selling the CF-Root tool.
After you download CF-Root for the Galaxy S5, follow the 10 step Galaxy S5 root how to to root the smartphone. This process will erase the phone, so many users will want to perform the root before setting up the phone.
Samsung Knox is a security tool installed on the Galaxy S5 and Galaxy Note 3, which will show if a user roots the device and trigger a Knox Warranty Void counter on the device that Samsung can use to decline any repairs on the device. For users concerned with this it may be worth waiting for a root tool that does not trip the Knox warranty status. We saw a Galaxy Note 3 root tool arrive that did not trip the Knox warranty void flags, but it’s not clear if that is still possible on the Galaxy S5 or when it would come.
At this point the Galaxy S5 will only allow users to run root apps, and will not let them install custom firmwares on the new smartphone. Keep in mind the Android 4.5 update could break root apps unless changes are made to the apps or to the Android 4.5 update.