Samsung Q1 Keyboard and Organizer Combo Pack InkShow
When the Ultra-Mobile PCs were introduced last year, one of the biggest complaints was the lack of a built-in keyboard. Being a keyboard kind of a guy, I can appreciate those issues. It is why I’ve come to really like the Keyboard and Organizer Combo Pack that Samsung sells for its Q1 Ultra-Mobile PC.
In this Accessory InkShow, I take a quick look at the Keyboard and Organizer Combo Pack and show how practical this solution really is. As an on the go keyboarding solution, the Combo Pack is actually quite elegant and professional looking. It doesn’t have that “I’m a geek” look.
However, it is not meant to be a convertible Tablet PC replacement. To use the Combo Pack effectively, it has to be layed on something flat – your lap won’t do. With a built-in stand in both the Organizer and the Q1, Samsung is definitely thinking of users who need to keyboard occassionally, and this accessory should be at the top of the list for all Samsung Q1 owners.
Note: I was trying out a different camera for this review and it got me all goofed up – I was looking in to my screen, for placement purposes, much more than usual. The joys of trying out new equipment :-)
Watch or download the High Res version >(4:40 minutes, 35mb, Windows Media streaming or direct download)
The Q1 Keyboard and Organizer Combo Pack is available for about $124 at various resellers. Here is a link to with more info, which is one of the few resellers to show them in stock.
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