SkyDrive App Update Finally Available on iOS
After months of waiting, it appears Microsoft and Apple have finally reached an agreement to bring a new version of the SkyDrive app to iOS.
The new app is the first update to SkyDrive since June 1, 2012. There were reports that updates never came to the app because Apple and Microsoft disagreed over charging for extra storage in SkyDrive. Microsoft was reportedly upset that Apple wanted the app to use in-app purchases, which would give Apple a 30 percent cut of the payments made.
Now, it seems the two companies have resolved their dispute. The new app makes no mention of upgrading an account, though it will show users how much storage that have available on the service.
The new SkyDrive 3.0 for iOS adds support for the iPhone 5 as well as optimization for the iPad mini. The previous update came out a few month before either device came to market. Thankfully, the SkyDrive team continued working on the app to support new devices while the update was held back.
The SkyDrive update also has a few enhancements for photos. Users can download full resolution photos to their iPhone or iPad, and can choose the size of the photos they upload to the service. Uploaded photos will now also retain their metadata, which is helpful to some users.
The update also has a new user interface which looks nicer and cleaner than the old app, as well as an updated, nicer looking app icon.
Other improvements include better opening and saving from other iOS apps and a few other unspecified bug fixes.
SkyDrive still won’t let users open Office documents, though Microsoft highlights SkyDrive integration as a major feature of the most recent version of Office. There were rumors of Microsoft Office coming to iOS sometime this year. Microsoft was allegedly hesitant to release the because of Apple’s insistence on in-app purchases, but perhaps now the app might actually come out some time soon.