The Quest to Turn Your Tablet Into a Magazine Continues with Branson’s Virgin iPad Project
There seems to be so much promise, and yet there seems to so much difficulty in bringing what we used to called the Print Media to the iPad and by extension other Tablet/Slates. Richard Branson’s Virgin iPad Project is the next great attempt to create something special that will make consumers pony up a subscription fee for content tailored specifically for these “consumption devices.”
Branson’s venture officially launched this morning and by most accounts (I haven’t tried it yet) it sounds like the game plan is very similar to what we’ve heard before: Good writing, lots of visuals, and multi-media. The monthly tab is $2.99 and fresh content is promised throughout each monthly period.
As I’ve said before I really want these kinds of ventures to succeed. Back in the day I subscribed to quite a few magazines and looked forward to each delivery. I’d love to feel that way about digital media as well, but my experiences have been that the content is lacking and not worth the freight.
We’ll see how this turns out, but I’m guessing the evolution of this story is just going to continue for quite some time.