The Tablet PC at home
I’ve inquired in the past about how our readers are using their tablet pcs in the day to day of work -moving from client to client, inking in meetings, being deskbound, etc.
Since we are at the weekend when most of us are not working, I’m curious as to how you use the tablet when away from work. Give me some examples of what you are doing this weekend and how the tablet pc does play / does not play a part.
- I’m spending all day Saturday helping a friend build a swing. I’ll take my LS800 with me. It’ll primarily stay in hibernate mode. I’m bringing it “just in case” . I won’t have a real need to use it with a drill in my hand.
- I’ll do some work on and off this weekend, pimarily working on some writing assignments for a writing class I’m taking. I tend to map it out using MindManager first, then get Word out and stop typing.
- We attend church on Sunday. I usually try to take my tablet pc with me to take notes with. Carrying a 12” convertible tablet makes that less desirabl, though, so I have not been taking much lately. However, the LS800 is the same size as my bible, so it blends right in and is less distracting and easier to use than a Pocket PC based Bible and note-taking tool.
- Since I’m self-employed, I still end up using the weekend to work some. Most of that work is done with a keyboard, either at a recliner or in bed.
- While the kids are watching Saturday morning cartoons, I’m in the recliner browsing the news.