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Ultra Mobile News Blurs The Image



There has been a lot of news in the Ultra Mobile space of late, some of which is just breaking out of Computex in Taipei. Frankly, I’m not sure where all of this news is heading and I don’t think anyone else is either based on what we are reading and what we are seeing, other than there is rush to get small. But if you notice some of the recent pictures you’ll see something that is very striking. (Scroll down this morning’s news.) They all feature hands on a small keyboard. Add to that some confusion on whether or not some of these devices include touch and the image gets a bit blurry. Not only is there a rush to get small, but we are seeing intro prices being talked about as low as $200 and some at that under $600 barrier as well.

Loren Heiny has a great think piece on this as he wonders if this might be the end of the original Origami concept. I’m not sure one way or the other, but I think we’re headed into interesting times. Check out Loren’s thoughts  here.

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