UMPC/Origami and The Life Of A Salesman
Willy Loman would be envious. For those who pooh-pooh the notion that a UMPC/Origami can be used as a real computer check this out. Rob -aka– Vanklay has been a salesman for 12 years and has used a variety of mobile devices. He’s recently been giving the Samsung Q1 a go.
But I say to the people who are bashing the UMPC. Think back, just eight years ago if someone said to you hey, how would you like to take all the programs you are using on your desktop with you everywhere you go. And be able to connect to the Internet in public places all around the world in a device small enough (like a book) to carry everywhere. What would you have said to that? I know what I would’ve said, I would’ve said, what spaceship are you going to get that device from. So to all you salesman out there take heart. The world as we know it is changing fast, and while things are not perfect, and never will be the Samsung Q1 will go a long way to helping you in the sales world.
Rob acknowledges the device is not perfect. He’s got some good practical info (and a few suprises) here inlcuding a few registry tweaks. This is a good read.
Via UMPC Buzz.