Verizon iPhones Drop Fewer Calls Than AT&T iPhones
Verizon iPhones are more reliable than AT&T iPhones. According to a survey done by ChangeWave Research and published in PCWorld, for the 90 days ending with March 2011 1.8% of reported experiencing a dropped call compared to 4.8% by AT&T iPhone users. Despite that fact customers on each carrier are equally satisfied with their carrier. 82% of Verizon’s customers using iPhones were “Very Satisfied” versus 80% of those on AT&T.
The survey also covers all phones on the four largest US carriers. Of users of all phones Verizon was first with the lowest percentage and AT&T had the most dropped calls. The ranking is as follows:
- Verizon – 1.4% with dropped calls
- T-Mobile – 2.3% with dropped calls
- Sprint – 2.7% with dropped calls
- AT&T – 4.6% with dropped calls
This information if accurate proves what AT&T iPhone customers have been saying all along – AT&T is the least reliable carrier. And Verizon is the most reliable. Still, less than 5% experiencing dropped calls isn’t as bad as I would have expected the number to be.
This is good news for Verizon and Apple. It comes after the Verizon iPhone 4 was named the most popular cell phone in February 2011.