Verizon Offering Limited Edition Droid RAZR to Employees
Verizon is offering its employees the chance to purchase a limited edition Droid RAZR smartphone. The House of Droid has worked together with Motorola to develop a limited edition version of the thin flagship Android smartphone for employees. Unlike retail version of the Droid RAZR, the Kevlar fiber-encased back side of the phone will have a special black and red appearance rather than the grey and black on retail models. The limited edition phone models will bear the “Limited Edition” branding on the front of the phone as well next to the Verizon logo. The phones will also be numbered as well.
The Droid RAZR would be packaged together with a free dock and will be offered to employees for $99.
A limited edition version of the Droid RAZR Maxx would be offered as well. That model, which comes with 32 GB, will cost $199.
It’s unclear how many limited edition smartphones Motorola has created for Verizon employees. The phones will be available in April, according to a leaked report on Android and Me.
Other than the slight color variation with the Kevlar backing, the included dock, and the limited edition branding and numbering, it appears that these devices are identical to their retail counterparts.
In addition to the limited edition Droid RAZR, Verizon and Motorola have recently made available additional retail colors for the Droid RAZR. Those models, however, still maintain the black and grey Kevlar rear. The Droid RAZR is available in black, white, and purple colors.
Most likely, a few of these models will trickle out to grey markets, like eBay, Craigslist, and other online peer-to-peer commerce sites.