Vista TIP Software InkShow
With Vista, comes a whole new experience when it comes to the TIP. It is obvious that Microsoft has listened to alot of suggestions when it came time to start implementing Tablet PC features into Vista. In this Software InkShow, I take a look at the new docking options, Auto Complete features, and password security. I will be covering the handwriting training in another InkShow due in several weeks.
I apologize if I repeat a couple of things during the show or seem a bit lost at times. When I recorded this show, I was on my 4th time time through after dealing with Explorer crashes in Vista, which would in turn get my audio all goofed up. So, I was kind of walking on egg shells the whole time hoping that I woudn’t experience another crash. Gotta love beta software!
Watch the InkShow (22:48 minutes, 113mb, .wmv streaming or direct download.).
Visit the Vista website
Enjoy the show.
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