Want Amazon Video On Demand On Your Nook Tablet Or Any Other Android Device?
Now you can have it. Yep, one of the few things that was supposed to only be available on the Kindle Fire is not out there running free in the world and available to install on your Nook Touch. You know how to do that, right?
How is this possible? Well, just like the Nook Tablet, the Kindle Fire runs on Android, and Android apps come in little packages called APKs, and APKs can be copied off of Android devices easily for backing up or just installing on a different Android device.
All the different sections of the Kindle Fire, including the Video on Demand section, are simply apps designed for that device. Ergo, their APKs can be copied and installed on other Android devices.
And that’s just what someone did.

Image Credit: Mobiputing
Brad over at Mobiputing installed the app on the Nook Tablet and it appears to be running well. In order to sign in you have to buy something or, if you’re a Prime member, try to stream a video. Otherwise, you should have the same experience as on the Kindle Fire.
The app will probably work on any tablet, but apparently it was designed to work specifically on 1024 x 600 resolution displays, so it might look weird on your phone or Honeycomb tablet. Unless you have a Samsung Galaxy Tab Plus, which has that same resolution. Excellent!
The app apparently won’t work on rooted devices, but again: it’s a regular app, so you don’t need to root your device to install it.
So, let’s take stock. In the past two days we’ve discovered that you can install a bunch of unauthorized apps on the Kindle Fire and pretty much any app on the Nook Touch, including the Nook and Kindle apps, respectively, and also including third-party app stores like Amazon or GetJar. You can also extract apps from the Kindle Fire and install them on other devices. I wonder is someone will extract the Library app from the Nook Tablet next, because it’s much better than the Nook app on the Android Market.
Today is a great day for anyone who owns a Nook or a Kindle tablet.

Rock That
11/17/2011 at 2:24 pm
Sweet! I’m playing it on my HTC Flyer right now!
11/17/2011 at 8:23 pm
Very exciting. I loaded onto my HTC Thunderbolt & I am a Prime member. It lets me play the trailers but it seems to want to charge me for a full version of any movie or TV episode although I have made sure that it is a Prime eligible free video?
12/26/2011 at 7:35 pm
How do you sign in though? My Toshiba thrive gets the app up and running but won’t let me run a video because it will not let me sign in
01/11/2012 at 11:27 am
installed the app and got it to work. I had to log in several times and exit and open the app in order for it remember my login and to start working. (Was a bit of a pain, but it did work.) It seems that it only works on WiFi Which is pretty much point less. If I have my WiFi connection then I can watch on a computer….
01/13/2012 at 11:37 am
I tried this on an ASUS Transformer, but every time I tried to watch a video, I received an error that the app had stopped unexpectedly.
01/13/2012 at 1:19 pm
Same problem on Xoom 1 :(
02/07/2012 at 10:01 pm
Amazon video on demand can be watched on Samsung Galaxy tablets by viewing on a browser set to display in the desktop mode (not the mobile mode). I am using the Dolphin browser.