Web Conference on Tablet PCs and Accessibility
Interesting news about an upcoming web confernce on the heels of the discussion provoked by Jim Forbes’ Audio InkShow comments and his subsequent post on Tablet PCs and accessibility for the disabiled.
Free Web Conference: Tablet Technology and People with Disabilities
Presenter: Karen McCall
August 15, 2:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
This web seminar will demonstrate the ability of students with disabilities to
use tablet technology and Microsoft OneNote. The tablet offers tool for task
accessibility such as handwriting, speech recognition, the use of screen magnification,
and screen reading software. With the new smaller models of tablets, you have
“big Windows” applications on a small Windows XP Pro based computer. Add Microsoft
OneNote and you have a powerful digital notebook. OneNote is
a free form digital notebook tool that can be used with adaptive technology.
Tablets can be used by people with dysgraphia, learning disabilities, visual
disabilities, or who are blind. More academic institutions are moving to tablet
technology and this seminar provides an overview of how it can be used as an
inclusive tool.
You need to register in advance to reserve space in the online Web conference
room. Registering also means you will get a link afterwards to the recording
of the conference.
EASI Web conferences take place entirely on the Internet. You need to have your
speakers connected to hear the presenter. You will also see slides pushed during
the presentation to support it.
Register at:
Note: in September there will be a 4-part fee-based Web conference series on
producing accessible Podcasts and Vodcasts.
In October, there is the postponed conference on learning disabilities and Information
Also, all of EASI’s online courses have been significantly revised, updated and
Norm Coombs
[email protected]
Hat tip to jkOnTheRun