Mobile Why Get A Tablet PC?
David A. Utter of asks the question, Why Get A Tablet PC?, that others have asked so frequently. In his article he raises some interesting points (including a great analogy for this former Chicagoan, that “we are no closer to a paperless society than the Cubs are to winning a pennant.” Here’s the link to the article. Here’s a snippet we’ve heard before:
I tend to think it won’t take off until Apple releases a tablet PC. It may take the equivalent of a Photoshop on the software side to drive that adoption, but if Steve Jobs and company can bring the artistic crowd into the fold, other ease-of-use-first customers could follow.
Here’s an interesting query though relating to a paperless culture in the workplace that goes a bit beyond the technology. While the economy of scale may make sense for smaller businesses to a paperless approach, I’m wondering if in large corporations, where the benefit gained in cost savings is perhaps outweighed by the conventional bureaucratic inertia? Certainly bean counters can see a benefit, but I’m not so sure if the cultural and bureaucratic barriers aren’t currently and won’t be in future, a part of holding things back.