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Windows Phone 7 Promises Better Efficiency Compared to Rivals



Microsoft is backing up its claims that Windows Phone 7 smartphones are “designed to get you in and out, and back to life,” a statement that debuted on the company’s new zany ads promoting the platform. Just how do you do that? Well, according to Microsoft, you can get back to your regular life with greater efficiency as common tasks require fewer steps on a Windows Phone 7 device–up to 20% fewer clicks to be exact. The company says in an interview with Computer World that another element of efficiency is the Live Tiles concept on Windows Phone 7 Metro UI. The tiles, which acts as hubs and can categorize your different files and information together into logical groups and clusters, can also automatically update the information so you’ll have what’s relevant when you need it. Senior marketing manager Brian Seitz tells Computer World, “One glance tells you what’s going on now, what’s happening and what you’ve missed — easier and quicker — so you can get on with living your life, in the moment.”

The platform has already received early success in Europe where it has already launched. In the U.S., we’ll have to wait until November 8th to find out.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Citoyen

    11/06/2010 at 11:54 am

    is it really worth to make a blog post saying that MS is doing a promising thing ?

    They have done some already, but with Miscrosoft the real question is the delivery, the fact that they promise is not big deal if they would deliveron a day to day basis that would be the real scoop !

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