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Wired Marker Lets You Highlight Web Pages



Wired Marker is a FireFox extension that was created by a government sponsored project in Japan. It allows you to highlight information on a web page and save that information for later retrieval based on your highlights. Yes, it does work with Tablet PCs, but you can’t just whip out your pen and go to highlighting text. You first need to select the text or images you wish to highlight and then pick the highlight color. (Unless I’m missing something somewhere.) Once highlighted the info gets saved with the URL of the webpage.

When you return to the webpage, Wired Marker redraws the highlight for you. You can create custom pens and you can assign information to the highlights you’ve created. You can think of Wired Marker as a digital bookmark and interestingly the highlight is described as indelible.

I haven’t had much time to experiment with Wired Marker this morning, but in an early glance it looks like an interesting way to mark up and save some info in Firefox on a Tablet PC.

Via Digital Inspiration via jkOnTheRun


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