4 Reasons Not to Play Clash of Clans Anymore
Clash of Clans is one of the most popular mobile games available on iOS and Android devices, but with the latest update changing a lot of things in the game, here are four reasons not to play Clash of Clans anymore.
Back in December, Supercell released a huge update for Clash of Clans, but instead of making big improvements to the game, the developers merely just changed how some elements work. While they did add a Town Hall 11 and some new weapons, as well as a new hero, this big update really didn’t introduce a lot of new features for a majority of players.
Instead, the update just changed how the game works. It’s like if Parker Brothers came out and said, “Hey! We’re changing the way that Monopoly is being played.” Most people would likely get really upset, and that’s kind of how it’s been with this Clash of Clans update.
If you’ve been contemplating the update ever since its release and aren’t really sure if you should play Clash of Clans anymore, let this be a final nail in the coffin, perhaps.
Here are four reasons not to play Clash of Clans anymore.
Farming Gets You Less Resources
Many Clashers have argued that the new update has severely worsened the farming system, in a way that earns you less resources.
Granted, the amount of loot hasn’t changed much, as I still come across bases that have high resource counts, but in order to get stars during an attack, you have to deploy at least a third of your army, which means more elixir that you have to spend in order to get resources without losing trophies.
Furthermore, the Town Hall now holds more resources this time around, which means less resources that are held in the storage tanks, and since every player has moved their Town Hall deep inside their base, it’s now harder to get all of the available resources from an attack.
Shields Are Harder to Get
Supercell made some big changes to the Shield system, and one of the biggest changes was that having an enemy simply destroying just your Town Hall won’t earn you a shield.
In order to earn a shield, the attacker must destroy at least 30% of your base, while also deploying at least a third of their army.
This seems easy enough still, but you’d be surprised at how often you get attacked without getting a shield. There are many attackers who will deploy their army, but only go after collectors, so you’ll lose a lot of resources and still won’t get a shield, which can get really frustrating.
Everything Is Way Too Expensive
Clash of Clans has always been like this, but everything in the game costs way too much. When you’re first starting out it’s not so bad, but as you level up to higher Town Hall levels, everything is a lot harder to obtain.
Plus, since farming for adequate resources is more difficult now, it’s even harder to save up the cash to upgrade defenses and such.
Our own Cory Gunther says that he has a hard time keeping his builders busy simply because it’s so much harder to gain a lot of loot from attacking, since he now needs bigger and bigger armies to attack all of these new Town Hall 11 bases with his maxed Town Hall 10.
Matchmaking Has Gotten Worse
While certain Town Hall level players aren’t seeing much differences in matchmaking when farming, higher-level players in particular are seeing a difference in matchmaking, and it’s not a good difference.
Cory says that, as a Town Hall 10, he rarely sees Town Hall 9 bases anymore, and only sees maxed Town Hall 10 and Town Hall 11 bases for the most part.
This obviously makes it harder to adequately attack a base and get a lot of resources.
Furthermore, since Town Hall sniping is gone, there are simply just more and more larger attacks, so a maxed Town Hall 9 that comes across your Town Hall 8 base will likely destroy your base and take all of your resources rather than just snipe your Town Hall.
This means that these bigger attacks that are taking more and more loot result in players attacking back all the time just to regain the resources that they lost.
The Bottom Line
Granted, Clash of Clans isn’t completely worthless anymore, and it can still have value. One of the biggest reasons that gamers still play it is for the wars with their clan, and being able to play with your friends and chat with them in-game is a great feature.
However, Clash of Clans is slowly turning into a grind, where you’re merely just slowly saving up to upgrade a defense, and then you’ll have to do it again with another defense.
Especially when you get up to higher levels and walls cost 3,000,000 each, grinding is something that you’ll be doing. Sometime it’s fun, as you can get a sense of accomplish after you’re done, but for a video game there’s very little ROI, which is why Clash of Clans just isn’t worth playing anymore.

01/12/2016 at 8:49 am
Ray Man
09/25/2016 at 7:38 am
Learn to spell first!
01/12/2016 at 10:33 am
Well said
01/12/2016 at 10:54 am
Obviously you won’t be finding Town Hall 9 bases at 11 often, that’s how it has always been.
You don’t need massive compositions to farm. You just need to use GiBarch and use spells. It’s not that hard, I get many resources.
Many of the things you mentioned is a result of weak attacking and inability to adapt..
Cory Gunther
01/13/2016 at 10:35 am
It’s different for each TH level. Some are enjoying it, others aren’t. It isn’t as balanced as before which is what will be fixed in this upcoming update.
As an early to mid Town Hall 10. I find huge ass maxed out TH10 and 11 almost all day. Never a fair battle. I rarely see a TH9, and before the update you saw TH one below you somewhat often. I agree, two levels below is unfair. but there are some tough TH9’s out there I just don’t get to face anymore. I have to use a huge army and five spells against these Inferno lvl 3 and xbow lvl 4 bases, or else I get destroyed. That or use golems and wizards and spend 300k on an army.
It’s just balance issues, and they’ll be fixed soon enough. This weekend Supercell put dead bases back into multiplayer, which should help a little.
07/03/2016 at 2:12 pm
The whole point of the update was to get people to use full armies, your doing it right by spending over 300k per raid
Daniel Bailey-Thompson
01/12/2016 at 2:35 pm
I agree with banana
Your just going over the top
01/15/2016 at 5:58 am
I started playing some violin music to accompany this whining
01/21/2016 at 2:23 pm
I know right! Nothing but whiney babies! Quit already!!! Clash of Clans is for warriors!
01/15/2016 at 9:28 am
Just delete it ! Problem solved, go spend time with family and friends. If you have no life play.
01/15/2016 at 9:22 pm
Well said. This article made me decide to stop playing coc.
01/18/2016 at 6:24 am
3 years and I never thought they would destroy it but they did, game will never be the same and it’s not worth playing anymore. I started battle islands deleted clash and boom beach witch I didn’t like much at all. When and if reversed I would come back but until then not worth it. Th11 not bad but everything else was a joke.
01/21/2016 at 2:18 pm
I’m not sure what everyone else is doing, but seriously people. There is nothing wrong with the game after the update. I play TH8-TH11 with no problems before and after the update. The REAL problem is that no one knows how to really play the game.
Farming does NOT get you less resources. I farm with mainly heroes, goblins, wbs and a few giants at all levels and gain about 50K-100K each raid on average. It’s not much per attack, but after 10 quick raids you got 1 mil in loot already.
Shields are NOT harder to get when you have good defense and a different base layout for each league. Yes, different layouts is the KEY. One layout won’t save you! I even have one specific layout to always get 30% destruction and a shield with minimal loot loss.
Yes, everything is too expensive, but if it was THAT easy to obtain, it wouldn’t be interesting and a challenge now would it?
Match making is NOT worse. Again, you, the player, need to adjust your leagues. I see TH10s complain about not seeing any more TH9s, well drop to Silver League and you will find plenty!
The problem with the game is actually the players themselves. Young minds are unable to cope and manage their villages efficiently. That’s where you see the split. It’s the older crowd that’s happy with the changes, and the young teens that are not.
What most people missed in all of this is that we have a 1 gem boosts for the last 5 weeks. If you boosted every day it would only cost 490 gems (easily saved by cleaning shrubs and gem boxes). Boosting max elixir and gold mines would have yielded you 72 million in total loot, not including DE boosts. And really, 490 gems is just five bucks. I pay more for a stupid cup of coffee every morning. So instead of enjoying this gift, you all chose to be angry and not take advantage of it. Smart move!!!
03/21/2017 at 11:27 pm
i agree with u this article is shit as it just explains that the maker doesn’t know the meaning of patience and right type of attacking
01/31/2016 at 9:56 am
Interesting comments about dropping levels to balance the attacks. I have dropped to silver and all I find are bases of stronger players who have deliberately dropped levels. TH 11 bases in silver II is far from balanced.
04/25/2017 at 5:30 am
only th 9-11 see th 11 in silver league others dont and most of silver league is th 5,6,7,8
02/21/2016 at 8:39 am
They want you to spend MORE money..
04/06/2016 at 1:05 am
Good article. The real whiners are the spineless ones that seem to defend Supercell no matter what ridiculous, money sucking, game killing idea they come up with. And the “clash of clans is for warriors” comment is a wee bit over the top. Or are some forgetting that this is simply a mobile game? The reason for the complaints is because Supercell has been changing the game game mid stream and AFTER people spent real money on a game that already had an established system of play. For some of you who have absolutely nothing meaningful in life to spend your time on, perhaps the changes mean little to nothing for your precious game. To the rest of us who have enough of a life to not want to waste more hours each day to commit to a mobile, money sucking game, the changes are nothing more than a rip off of which we should have been given some sort of warning that Supercell can and will make major changes any time they feel like it. Hard lesson is STAY AWAY FROM ALL FREMIUM GAMES! BUY decent games that require NO additional in app purchases. At least with these you won’t be into them for a stupid amount of money only to watch them fall apart at any time the gaming companies decide they want more money. For millions of us, Supercell is simply another company we will avoid.
03/21/2017 at 11:37 pm
if we want we can play the game without using money to make it more interesting and satisfying , supercell doesn’t force you to use money…
Andy Capp (@vintage_bastard)
04/06/2016 at 3:03 pm
I farm with 10 giants, two healers, 12 wizards, 33 archers, 28 barbs, 4 bombers, archer queen and barb king. My totally army cost $240k elixir thereabouts. Yet still sometimes i get so much elixir I have no room to store it. So I don’t understand how people are saying it is more difficult to get resources. I created an excel spread sheet so calculate how much my army costs. I never attack bases with less resources than what it costs to make my army. That is simple commonsense. I simply spend the $750 in gold until i find a base with enough resources and one which i can sufficiently defeat. I guess some people simply do not understand the game.
Andy Capp (@vintage_bastard)
04/06/2016 at 3:04 pm
You guys need to learn the game..
04/11/2016 at 8:42 am
Clash is just a disappointment now
Trevor McMurray
04/11/2016 at 3:21 pm
Mike Shalapay
04/18/2016 at 7:58 pm
05/03/2016 at 2:13 am
I do also thinks there is no problem with new update actually it is making the game more intersting whihc means keeping the game alive. And the most important thing if u r gstting things easier in a game thts a boredom part. So i love the new updates of game. COC ROCKS YEAHππππ
Tom gooch
05/04/2016 at 2:17 pm
The upgrade will not let me into the game I try to open the game up and it goes into a start loading and start load loop
05/17/2016 at 8:37 pm
I agree with the author of this post.the game became a lot more difficult to build resources, all of the final building upgrades are over 8 million !, it is difficult to gain a shield and not lose practically all or a major portion of your resources. The only way to build these resources is to boost your collectors, boost the barracks, and grind away, and that means gems, spending money,
05/27/2016 at 9:56 pm
I just deleted clash. I’ve got other things to do than watch shield times and be a revenue source for entrenched players and those with deep pockets who buy their way to th10 in a week
Bill Bradshaw
06/01/2016 at 7:08 pm
You are 100% correct with everything you said. After TH10 its too expensive to play Clash. It almost makes no sense to raid anymore because you don’t profit. You are lucky if you come close to breaking even. They are making it so you must gem to upgrade your defenses. Gems are so expensive. Supercell must be making a killing off of the dumb people who keep playing.
06/28/2016 at 3:22 pm
I Don see what all the fuss is i love this game just keep on pressing the next button till ifind a base with enough loot for me no problem
07/07/2016 at 7:12 am
Who is worth of time and money will spend you lifetime with this game. The feature return was only NEWS UPDATING of “WASTE MORE YOUR TIME HERE” soon. Hahaha The game is free anyway just keep playing “WHO CARE?”ππππππππππ
Margot Man
07/20/2016 at 10:02 am
I have to say that this article is kind of ignorant. You sound like a whiny baby. Oh boohoo, I wont get to swipe THs and I have to attach TH10 but I am a Th10., I want to attack TH9s and destroy them! Whiney little baby. This game changes and you either adapt, quit, or whine. I adapted, and I’m getting more loot than ever. I don’t have to raid with weak troops for an hour. Now I can cook and search for a loaded base. I don’t raid as often, and I dont lose my whole shield every time, but my yield is better. What a whiny baby
03/21/2017 at 11:59 pm
Yup you are right ! Infact the new shield update bcoz of which opnly a limited shield is eliminated (i.e 3hrs , 4hrs or 5hrs) is he best update ever to come to COC and what about star bonuses ! the best thing ever happened to COC ! These haters really need to know how to play the game …
08/14/2016 at 8:53 pm
TH9, regularly get 700k total gold and elixir, 1,000 Dark elixir. Also got a personal best this week in 1.3 million gold and elixir with 2k DE. Have spent ZERO $$$. Suck it up, adapt, it’s a free game.
08/24/2016 at 3:03 pm
honestly speaking, this game took 3yrs from my age, what’s in return, little fun only. daily basis addiction, in day and night. imagine anyone from you have spent 3yrs of doing something, say it, learning a new language, you will master it. I loose 3yrs of my life to master something will never end, we are in a loop my friends.
how are with me to shutdown this game immediately?
michael feeney
10/13/2016 at 2:47 pm
an exciting game gone from mildly amusing to as much fun as collecting bottlecaps. COC took a turn for the worse when the original owners sold out. now its momoneymomoney. resources are predictably inadequate to sustain growth and by the time everything has been upgraded from the last newest ,best thing another upgrade is announced … ad nauseum. the last straw is the $9.99 bundle of bomb tower with gems etc. great deal but now i have to upgrade my dragon, baby dragon, x-bow, mortars, teslas, wizard .gee ,does anyone see a pattern here?
from the looks of things the international market will be do well $$$ for the coc investors but todays’ Clash of The Clans has become functionally obsolete and not worth my time.
Succ Balls
11/28/2016 at 3:46 am
Wow, great insight into an idiot’s perspective of the game. whilst I love playing and do not totally disagree with the view that its popularity is slowing down, the average gamer will not feel this, given the millions of players out there. All reasons listed above are by far the worst ones someone could list…
Aniket Deshpande
02/19/2017 at 10:48 pm
However it is well said and it is true. The game is wiped out.many players are quitting the game. Supercell are just concentrating on clash royale .
Abdullah Kazi
03/10/2017 at 1:39 am
Clash of clans will soon find out a way of extending the game to a brand new level with extremely new feafures from my zide i prefer that a brand new concept and some new troop and defence level will make the game quite more attractive and i also prefer that the heroes should be able to use in attack while they are upgrading with the match making i have no problem, one must get attached to the ‘NEXT’ botton to adapt to the game. Coc is already an awesome game we need to just make the game a bit bigger and the we will be back on top and games like lords mobile are our enemies and we must push forward……CLASH ON
04/10/2017 at 10:35 am
I agree this game is awful
Mr Mister
04/30/2017 at 8:40 am
Played COC for 3 1/2 years and for me it was a lot of fun but I found myself playing way too much. I CHOSE COC over family, friends, and work. So I cut back playing for a bit and it didn’t seem worth it any more, so i lost interest. I mean if any of us are playing this game for another 5 years I would be surprised. I don’t look back on my life and say wow I feel so accomplished playing video games all those years. To me those weren’t GREAT memories, just imagine trying to spend time with someone and all they are doing is playing on their phone? Do it if you want it’s your life, but in the end it’s just silly game, there’s better ways to spend your time instead of waste your time. And oh yes it is a waste of time.
BatMan of Gotham
12/05/2017 at 6:23 pm
so true. nort wothit anymore. im TH10. it start to get boring after the stupid major update that make free shields hard to get. no more shield no more high loot base, even abandon base has small resource to plunder. sad. also Clash Royale is a total PAY TO WIN. P2W. It doesnt work the ‘free way’ like CoC . dont get fooled by it. Thanks
Edward Savage
09/08/2018 at 1:37 am
Clash of Clans was one of the earliest games to use “Game Envy Theory” to boost revenues skyhigh, because it was less social based than other games it grew to be one of the highest money generating games in history. Using the mass of research on social psychological theories on social comparisons, deservedness, and envy, they tested whether the use of these microtransactions would affect how players perceive
another player using them and whether the game would grow or decline in revenue because of these. IT GREW beyond belief because others became envious of what othere had. Only when this inequality caused by these microtansactions was corrected, due to social demands did game revenues begin to fall.
“Ironically, our research also shows that despite peopleβs negative attitudes towards other players who use microtransactions, people actually become tempted to spend money on microtransactions themselves if they are confronted with other players who use them. Study 2 finds that players in World of Tanks indicated to become more tempted to buy a better tank themselves, when they had been playing against a player who had bought such an advantage.” -The Hidden Cost of Microtransactions: Buying In-Game
Advantages in Online Games Decreases a Playerβs Status Ellen R. K. Evers1
, Niels van de Ven2, Dorus Weeda
Andrew Lawton
04/16/2019 at 3:34 am
Clash of clans is a great game. U have to be dedicated to your account and active all the time.
06/24/2019 at 1:36 pm
I started playing about 9 months ago, and it stopped being fun by month 2 when it became blaringly obvious its pay to win and the higher up in levels you go the more suspicious if not outright cheating players you find
From players being noticibly lower level than you but having higher attack/defence than you, to up to titan league players dropping to bronze league and never being trophy dropped back up levels by lower players