4 Tablet Keyboards Superior To The BlackBerry PlayBook Mini Keyboard
Today RIM introduced the new Bluetooth Mini Keyboard Case for the Blackberry PlayBook. Arriving months after the tablet’s release and (arguably) long after anyone still cared, this accessory aims to make the PlayBook an even better business companion.
Every little bit helps, right?
The slim keyboard connects via Bluetooth and features 128 bit encryption for extra security. There’s also a tiny integrated touchpad that recognizes PlayBook gestures plus other basic ones like two-finger scroll. The battery, which charges via the PlayBook’s cord, is rated to last up to 30 days.
All for $120. What a deal! Or not.
While this accessory may very well up the productivity quotient on the PlayBook, I hope that even RIM would take a look around the keyboard case landscape and made something that could stand proudly with others on the market. I am too optimistic sometimes.
The company could really have used some better ideas. Here are some of my favorite keyboard cases and docks for tablets. Perhaps RIM will learn from them next time around.
Logitech Tablet Keyboard for Android and iPad
If you’re going to go the Bluetooth route, why bother restricting yourself to the size of the tablet? The Playbook is only 7-inches, and keyboards that match a 7-inch display are so 2007. Instead, go for full-sized keys and a nice case that doubles as a stand.
Read Our Logitech Tablet Keyboard for Android and iPad Review
Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet Keyboard Folio Case
The other king of enterprise tech, Lenovo, designed an integrated keyboard/touchpad case for their business tablet, too. Like the Playbook’s case, it doubles as a stand. Where they diverge (other than size) is that the keyboard connects via a physical port for better responsiveness. If you’re a speedy type, Bluetooth keyboards can lag just enough to drive you crazy.
Read Our Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet Keyboard Folio Case Review
Logitech Fold-Up Keyboard for the iPad 2
I can understand wanting to match the size of the case and keyboard with the size of the PlayBook, but tiny keys are not what’s hot. Logitech solved this problem by making a keyboard that folds out to full size when in use then folds back to iPad size when you’re done.
Read Our Logitech Fold-Up Keyboard for the iPad 2 Review
ASUS Transformer Prime Keyboard Dock
Instead of creating a case, ASUS engineered the Transformer Prime’s dock to mimic the bottom half of a laptop. When docked together, the Prime resembles a netbook — it even opens and closes like a clamshell. By itself, the tablet looks like any other slate. This elegant solution also doubles battery life and adds more ports.

03/13/2012 at 2:22 pm
I am pre-ordering RIM keyboard that I can carry around with Playbook wrapped inside and in the same form factor. The other keyboards, except for Asus, don’t compare. And the price for Transformer is not at par with RIM’s Overall, RIM beats them all. Very biased article overall.
03/13/2012 at 2:40 pm
Only one of the junk keyboards you have “reviewed” has a touchpad and they all need a suitcase to carry around. I always wondered about some of the reviewers where they have their heads shoved….
03/13/2012 at 7:59 pm
i think apple pays alot of the same people that reviews these things When they attacked the playbook. When you go to the future shop website satisfaction among playbook users are higher then the ipad and their are over 1000 customers rating these things but american reviews that review things for a living like the ipad without flash go figure. Remember apple paid netflix to carry their product and now netflix doesn’t want to adapt to rim software that would expand their base. go figure. I think apple pays these people to pick their products over the competition. Just my opinion.
03/14/2012 at 1:40 pm
Another RIM and Playbook bashing review Getting so tired of it Get a life all your critics Playbook owners love its functionality, integration, form factor everything and the keyboard is going to add to our enjoyment of the product
03/15/2012 at 12:00 am
What a crappy and biased review. Not only have you never used this keyboard, you probably have never used a Playbook or any of these other keyboards either.
Useless and pathetic.
I’m going to buy a RIM PB keyboard.
Eric Parisien
03/23/2012 at 3:43 pm
Just bought the keyboard today after reviewing this article, everytime these so called review editors say Blackberry products suck, I rush to buy them and am so satisfied after! I have not even connected the keyboard yet and love it already. Have fun with your overheating flashless Icrap lady.
07/15/2012 at 6:42 am
You type so fast that bluetooth keyboards lag behind? Oh My Goodness you must have *incredible* skills! I type well over 100 words per minute and I have never seen my bluetooth keyboard lag even a single character.
Think about what you said for a moment… Bluetooth is capable of streaming two way audio, a heavy data load. And you think it could lag for key strokes? Your only experience with bluetooth keyboards must be with the absolute cheapest junk available.
You’re just another Blackberry Basher. Grow up.
07/17/2012 at 4:23 am
What is the point? I thought these keyboards were going to be compatible alternatives. Why not do some research on something useful?
07/21/2012 at 11:03 am
Just got Playbook keyboard and luvin it!
07/30/2012 at 10:59 am
…just another RIM bashing article…
I’m ordering the kb today !
10/12/2012 at 7:37 am
Love my playbook – and my keyboard. I do not know where you get your information, but the performance is so much better than your article. And I am sick of the RIM bashing, it is getting so ridiculous.
04/21/2013 at 1:30 pm
I don’t know, cause I haven’t used a BlackBerry Playbook mini keyboard yet, although I have read reviews where bluetooth keyboards in general are slower. Also the size of the keyboard could make it difficult to get used to when typing. However the advantage of being able to carry it all in one snug handsome case without having to lug around a keyboard separately to me out weighs the cons. I would only have liked BlackBerry to have given us the option to connect it directly to the Playbook in addition to the bluetooth option. Also it is worth mentioning that the price is frankly high, very high. You can get a similar third party keyboard and convertible case for under $40. Still on the fence. Well have to see.