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Almost 40% of all photos shared on Twitter come from iPhones



This doesn’t come as much of a shock to me, but it’s still quite amazing. How much of the iOS dominance in this category is a result of iOS being the easiest mobile OS to share screenshots from your phone? One of the biggest complaints I have about Windows Phone 7 and Android as a reviewer is how difficult it is to grab screenshots. iOS makes it very simple and you basically have to root or use a developer kit to get screens from the other two.

A story on The Next Web shows a Skylines chart showing which Twitter clients are sharing the most photos.

Combined, the iPhone accounts for at least 39% of all photos posted to Twitter, largely due to Instagram and Twitter for iPhone. There are a few percent in the smaller categories like Echofon, Others and Tweetdeck that aren’t able to be attributed solely to iOS, as they are multiplatform.

Notice the 5% from iOS5? That’s quite amazing considering how little time it’s been out. There is one source that seems to be missing, Windows Phone. I assume it’s in the “Others” category pulling up 8% of the sharing. Considering the fact that the “Official” Twitter app on Windows Phone is not all that great, the shares are probably scattered between it and 3rd party clients like MoTweets and Seesmic. I doubt that the combined shares from WP7 devices comes close to the 10% from Android devices though.



  1. Anonymous

    11/14/2011 at 5:25 am

    Or it could be that iPhone users are attention whores who tweet a lot ^^

    • Techie Aussie

      05/06/2012 at 7:39 pm

      … right, show offs! it’s like oh my gosh i have an iphone, i should act like its my first time to have a phone! in your face people! click click there, tweet tweet here and hand held everywhere! childish. LOL

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