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7 Best LG G7 Screen Protectors



Mr. Shield 3-Pack Tempered Glass

Mr. Shield 3-Pack Tempered Glass

If your entire family got the new LG G7, or you're just abusive to your smartphone and always need extra protection, this is for you. The Mr. Shield Tempered Glass screen protector will totally keep your LG G7 safe. And, if you go through screen protectors often, this company gives you three. Plus a lifetime replacement warranty. 

Mr. Shield is another brand a lot of smartphone owners love. You'll get three screen protectors that don't have the edges or bezels like others in our roundup. 

The idea here is the slight curved edge on phones don't work very good with protectors. You'll get raised edges, or it'll start to peel up over time. Not to mention cases cause problems. So, Mr. Shield makes its glass protector slightly smaller than the actual screen. You won't have issues with the glass coming up or peeling off, but some people don't like how it "doesn't fit" the glass. It does, and that's by design. If the black-bezel screen protectors fail, try this. 

Buy it Now for $7.95

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Omar

    06/04/2018 at 2:33 pm

    Every other brand, including brands listed here, that I’ve tried had either adhesive only around the borders that caused touch sensitivity issues and some other clear screen protectors were too small and it did not cover the whole display area.
    GPEL’s is the first glass I’ve used that actually seats perfectly with full adhesive on the entire screen, had no bubbles, no sensitivity issues and it was super easy to install.

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