Free 15GB of CloudDrive Storage for a Year w/ Purchase of Lady Gaga Album (99 Cents)
Amazon has a great deal today for fans of cloud music or Lady Gaga. For a limited time you can purchase the Lady Gaga Born This Way album for 99 cents and get a free upgrade from 5GB of Amazon Cloud Player storage to 20GB. The upgrade is a standard upgrade with an album purchase, but this deal on Lady Gaga’s new album is one of the cheapest albums we have seen.
To get this deal, just head over to and order the Lady Gaga album Born This Way, with 14 tracks plus a digital booklet for $.99. After your purchase you will see an upgrade in your account which increases your storage for Amazon Cloud Music to 20GB. You can then upload your own songs and listen to your Amazon purchases from the Amazon Cloud Player in your web browser or on the Amazon Cloud Player app for Android.
Amazon is currently experiencing high volumes of orders which is delaying delivery of the Lady Gaga tracks, but you will eventually get your Gaga tunes and your extra cloud storage space for less than a dollar. The upgrade to 20GB of storage is good for a year. If you want to use Amazon Cloud Music, this is a good deal even if you don’t like Lady Gaga.
Google Music has just launched in beta which will allow you to upload up to 20,000 songs, which should clock in higher than 20GB in most cases, but Google Music is in private beta right now, whereas you can get the “Gaga Upgrade” today.