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Google Reader for Android Now Available for Your RSS Needs



If you’re an Android smartphone user and an avid news junkie with your RSS feeds, you can now download the official Google Reader app for your Android phone from Android Market. The free download gives you quite a bit of option on a clean, attractive user interface to help you catch up with and manage your RSS subscriptions. In addition to being able to see your unread counts, sharing and starring content, you can also manage multiple Google Reader accounts, synchronize preferences, search, and subscribe and unsubscribe to feeds all from your phone.

Some added features including volume key navigation, which can help with perusing the news with one hand. Essentially, you can navigate to the next or previous posts with your phone’s volume buttons. Also, if you long press on an item, you’ll be able to bring up a contextual menu that lets you name and rename folders and change subscription status.

Hitting the menu key on your Android smartphone will bring up a send feature, which can integrate with third-party apps to allow you to share your favorite news stories over Twitter or via Facebook.

Remember, while you’re downloading Google Reader for Android, do also subscribe to and for all your latest news!

Via: Google Reader

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. پیش ساخته

    12/02/2010 at 2:04 pm

    Thank you for this App

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