How to Add Your Favorite NFL Team Schedule to Google Calendar
As the NFL season heats up, users may want to track their favorite team’s NFL schedule using their smartphone and Google Calendar. NFL fans can set this up on their mobile device, but it’s not as easy.
We’ll show users how to do it in their computer’s browser. This lets them see the schedule on their phone or tablet if they add Google Calendar to their device. It’s the same on a mobile device, as long as the user clicks the link at the bottom of the Google Calendar page to open the Desktop version of the page.
Sync Google Calendar to Android and iOS
Here’s how to make sure Google Calendar syncs with Android or iOS. Skip to the next section, if you already have it set up.
Android devices automatically add the Google Calendar to the device after the user signs into their account. To make sure your account will show up on the phone, go into Android Settings and find the Account section. Tap on Google and then on the account name. Make sure there’s a check mark by Calendar.
In an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings and then find Mail, Contacts, Calendars along the left side about a third of the way down. Tap it and tap on the Google Calendar account you plan to use to subscribe to an NFL team. If it’s not already set up on the iPhone or iPad, tap on Add Account and follow the wizard to add it.
How to Add NFL Team Schedules to Google Calendar
People who use Gmail already have access to Google Calendar. Go there and sign in with your Gmail address and password.
In the lower left area of the Google Calendar screen look for the Other calendars section. Click on the tiny drop down arrow to the right of the section heading that reads Other calendars. From the menu that pops up, select Browse Interesting Calendars.
A new screen shows up with three tabs labelled Holidays, Sports and More. Click on Sports. The screen shows a list of sports. Pick Football. Select National Football League – NFL.
The following screen lists all the NFL teams. Click on Preview to see what the calendar looks like or click Subscribe to add the calendar to your Google Calendar.
From then on the calendar will show the team schedule on your Google Calendar and sync to any mobile device or computer that has Google Calendar syncing with the device.
Other Interesting Calendars to Subscribe To
In the box that lists all the Other Interesting Calendars users will find Holiday calendars for the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths. There’s also dozens of national calendars from countries around the world.
Under Sports calendars we get calendars for a number of sports including:
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Cricket
- Football
- Rugby
- Hockey
- Soccer
Click on each sport to show which leagues Google includes. For example, under Basketball users can subscribe to multiple leagues. College fans can find NCAA which lists all the Division I schools. Subscribe to as many of these as you like.
The More tab lists other calendars including:
- Contacts Birthdays and Events
- Day of the Year
- Hebrew Calendar
- Phases of the Moon
- Stardates
- Sunrises and Sunsets for Louisville
- Week Numbers
We’re not sure why there’s a calendar just for Louisville and no other city.
Notice that on the right side of the screen there’s a list of other Calendar tools. Users can do the following:
- Add a Coworker’s Calendar – lets people subscribe to calendars of other users in that Google Apps set of accounts
- Add by URL – if you have a calendar URL then add it here.
- Import Calendar – from a file on the hard drive
- Create a Calendar – set up a new calendar, like special dates for your company, organization or family which others can subscribe to
- Manage Calendar – lets users unsubscribe from any calendars they subscribe to
A tip of the hat goes out to Android Central for the inspiration for this How To.

Evu Eva
09/28/2014 at 9:29 am
How to Watch NFL Football Live on NFL TV Network
08/18/2015 at 11:54 am
I have tried adding all the NFL teams to my Google Calendar. Each time I try, I end up with duplicate NFL teams showing up. Please help if you can. Thanks