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How to Get Swype on the Galaxy Nexus
Merry Christmas GBM Galaxy Nexus Owners! Swype is here, unofficially.
By now, I am sure everyone knows that Swype doesn’t work on the Galaxy Nexus. I expected them to have already worked on a version compatible with both ICS and the 720p screen resolution that the Galaxy Nexus sports since the unlocked GSM version had been out there a few months already. That’s wasn’t the case and we, the owners of the Verizon Galaxy Nexus, are waiting patiently. Well, patiently isn’t a word I can use for my own anticipation. I have been checking all over for the last couple weeks waiting for the real thing to become available.
Apparently, with the Holidays, I wasn’t checking too closely. On December 22nd, a modder over at XDA-developers named theb1rdm4n fixed Swype!
As I mentioned in the post I made here offering alternatives to Swype in the interim, Swype knows we want a version for the Gnex and in the tweet below, confirms that they are working on it.
I have no doubt that you are working on it Swype, but someone beat you to it.
The XDA-Developers member theb1rdm4n posted early on the 22nd that he had the answers. He posted on XDA and included a link to instructions on installing it on Google+ as well. I found out about this on the Swype Support forums. There was a comment there to search for the answer. I found the answer, downloaded the APK and I was in business.
It works great on the Galaxy Nexus in both portrait and landscape and I haven’t found any gotchas yet.
Thanks Anthony Casagrande aka theb1rdm4n for coming up with this fix.

12/27/2011 at 11:49 am
Do we know if theres any virus/malware attached?
12/28/2011 at 3:37 pm
And just why does this version of hacked Swype permissions need my phone status AND be able to record the calls??
01/01/2012 at 8:01 pm
Thanks man!
01/10/2012 at 6:36 pm
Thanks for this! Works perfectly and was quick and easy to install!
01/27/2012 at 6:38 am
I can’t seem to get my suggestion bar to show when landscaped and using gmail to compose email.. I don’t see it in the screenshot above either. Am I missing something?
Erika Suzuki
02/05/2012 at 7:13 am
now im disappointed as i was typing this comment on a nexus without swype