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How to Setup Your New Galaxy S6, LG G4 and More



This holiday season a lot of people are going to be opening presents filled with shiny new Android smartphones. With millions getting a new Galaxy S6, Note 5, LG G4 and more users will be looking for quick tips to get started, or to setup their new phone. Below are some general tips, as well as plenty of links for individual smartphones.

In 2015 a lot of excellent smartphones were released, and many of them have been on sale all holiday season long. We’ve seen the Galaxy S6 hit record lows, buy one get one free and more. Google also confirmed the most popular Android devices all year were the Galaxy S6, LG G4, Nexus 6P, Galaxy Note 5, and the HTC One M9 from earlier this year.

Read: Best Android Phones of 2015

If you received a shiny new Galaxy S6, G4, or another Android smartphone or tablet this holiday season, setting it up for success will be a first priority. From initial settings and lockscreen controls, like a fingerprint, to getting the best battery life possible. We’ll go over that and more below.


Most Android smartphones all have the same options, settings, and initial instructions when a user first boots it up. You’ll be instructed to sign into a WiFi network if available, sign into your Gmail to get apps, contacts, and sync all of your data, then restore from an old device before adding lockscreen security.

Then most Samsung devices like the Galaxy S6 will have users add their fingerprint for security, instead of a password, sign into a Samsung or LG account, restore from an older device (if available) then continue on to the main screen. Most of it is really easy and straightforward, but the links below will help users get the most of their new phone.

Setting Up Your New Phone

When you get a new Android device you’ll want to make sure an old one is backed up to your Google account. Head into settings > backup & reset > and make sure your Gmail is listed as a backup location and that backing up data and the automatic restore function are all set to on. Give it a minute to sync, and now you’ll have everything ready for your new device.

Read: How to Backup Android in 5 Easy Steps

The link above also has some helpful information in terms of backing up an Android smartphone or tablet, which is a good idea to do anyways. Then restoring everything from contacts, apps, game saves, photos and more to a new device will all be easy, and fast.

After that, any new device being opened on Christmas will likely be running the latest Android 5.1 Lollipop, or the newer Android 6.0 Marshmallow software released back in October. As a result, Google’s automatic “Tap N Go” restore feature works wonderfully. Essentially a user signs into their Gmail on a new smartphone or tablet, then just taps it to the old one and everything transfers using WiFi, Google Backup, and Bluetooth. Below is more details on how this works.

Read: Tap N Go Restores Your Android Phone in Minutes

Users can also skip the Tap to restore feature, and instead select from the drop-down menu and choose which device they’d like to restore from. Meaning everything from an old Galaxy S4 can be moved to a new Galaxy S6, Nexus 6P, LG G4, Moto X and more. Google does it all automatically, and you can even select which apps will be restored. It’s very easy, and extremely convenient. Especially for those trying to spend time with family on X-mas.

Now that you know how to backup your old Android device, restore everything on it to a new one, you’ll need to know a few general setup tips to do on the first day. Below is a collection of setup guides for some of the most popular Android smartphones and tablets of the year. Making the process easy for advanced Android users, beginners, and everyone in-between.

Setup Guides

Above are a few setup guides for some of the most popular Android smartphones and tablets released in 2015, and most of those steps and tips will work for any Android smartphone or tablet. The Galaxy S6 and most Samsung devices are among the easiest to setup, so get started and enjoy it.

Also, those receiving a brand new Android smartphone or tablet for Christmas are likely getting a newer device, and replacing an old and outdated one. If that’s the case, you’re likely going from an old Android 4.4 KitKat phone to something running Google’s newer software for smartphones. If so, these two guides will help you get familiar with the device.

Read: Android 5.0 vs Android 4.4 KitKat: What’s New in Lollipop

Read: Android 6.0 vs Android 5.1: What’s New in Marshmallow

Google released Android 6.0 Marshmallow on October 5th of this year, but most phones aren’t running it, but will receive an update within the next 1-2 months. That means users with a new phone will be getting a software update sometime in January or February with lots of new features, improvements, and other changes. Those two links above will tell you everything about the software on your phone, what’s new, what’s different, and what to expect.

If you have any questions about your new Android smartphone or tablet head to our GottaBeMobile How to Guide Portal, or drop a comment below with any questions or concerns. Enjoy your new Android device, and Happy Holidays!



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  2. Carla Ann Fawcett

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