HTC Amaze 4G Ice Cream Sandwich Release Date Confirmed
T-Mobile has confirmed a release date for the HTC Amaze 4G Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update, just a day after saying that it would be rolling out in the coming weeks.
The carrier has announced that it will be pushing the Amaze 4G Ice Cream Sandwich update on May 21st which will take the Amaze 4G to Android 4.0.3 and bring HTC Sense 3.6 on board as well.
That means it will have the same version of Android and the same version of Sense that the HTC Sensation 4G, another phone on T-Mobile, got today.
Read: Guide To Google Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
Clearly, this is great news for HTC Amaze 4G owners who might have been weary of a long wait time for the software to roll out. Too often, carriers exclaim that software will be rolling out in the coming weeks only to release it months later.
The upgrade will be bringing quite a lot with it and some of the features include:
New Features
- Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
- Sense 3.6
- System bar enhancements to easily view recent apps.
- Re-sizeable widgets
- Lock screen actions including pull down notifications and adjust volume while device is locked.
- Data usage controls.
- Face Unlock
- Home screen folders
- Improved battery life
- Improved text input and spell checking
- Improved menu structure
The update will roll out in the same fashion as today’s HTC Sensation 4G update in that the carrier will allow users to pull the update manually instead of having to wait for the software to roll out Over-the-Air.
So, once Monday rolls around, HTC Amaze 4G owners should be on the look out for a nice little upgrade to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
It has been a long time coming.
05/20/2012 at 8:43 pm
I updated my amaze from a leaked version 2 days ago.I really love it some GB versions will be missed. On another note the resizing widgets don’t seem to be true.the only 1 I was able to resize was the Android Calender. They made great improve on the txtn mms,itlet’s you put in the recipient and then note before it would put you in the recipient box only to throw down to the next box
05/20/2012 at 8:53 pm
Also the browser address bar is cooler and way mode user you remember how when you your in a web addy it would separate the words like ex: the children .com
Now it actually looks like this : no mode going back to mash all the words yourself ;)
05/20/2012 at 8:57 pm
Also the browser address bar is cooler and way mode user you remember how when you your in a web addy it would separate the words like ex: the children .com
Now it actually looks like this : no mode going back to mash all the words yourself ;)
05/20/2012 at 9:01 pm
Apologize for shall the wacked typos. Their comment box is a bit off…smh but I hope you to understand the points I was trying to say,