Logitech Bluetooth Easy Switch Keyboard is a Great Apple TV Remote
The Logitech Bluetooth Easy Switch Keyboard K811 received a great review from us because of how well it works with three Bluetooth enabled devices, like a Mac, iPad and iPad mini. When Logitech reached out to let us know that the keyboard works great with an Apple TV, thanks to Bluetooth built into the tiny set-top box, we tested it out and found that it does indeed make a great Apple TV remote too.
Anyone who tries to enter text using the tiny aluminum Apple TV remote control knows a keyboard like the Logitech Bluetooth Easy Switch will make entering text so much easier. But do we really want a keyboard in the living room?
Yes. If it’s this keyboard.

The Logitech Bluetooth Easy Switch Keyboard works better than the Apple TV remote for searching for something to watch and for entering user names and passwords for things like Netflix.
To get the Logitech Bluetooth Easy Switch Keyboard K811 hooked up, open the Apple TV settings. Go to General and then choose Bluetooth.
The Apple TV begins scanning for a Bluetooth device. Turn on the Logitech keyboard and tap one of the first three functions on the left. Be sure it’s an unassigned key, or turn off the device previously assigned to that function key. The Apple TV will start to connect almost instantly.
Once paired, the Logitech keyboard works great as a remote. Here’s the list of the keys that users will use in place of the aluminum remote buttons:
- ESC key functions like the Apple remote Menu button
- Space bar works like the Play/Pause button
- Enter/Return key replaces the Center Select button
- Use all the up, down, left and right keys as the up, down, left and right buttons
The keyboard makes for a perfect remote, especially for people who do a lot of searching for movies or TV shows in the iTunes store, Netflix, hulu Plus or HBO Go apps. We wouldn’t recommend getting the keyboard just for use as an Apple TV remote. If someone needs a good iPad or iPhone keyboard, or if they connect their Apple TV to a screen near their computer, then we highly recommend using the Logitech Bluetooth Easy Switch Keyboard as their Apple TV remote.
They keyboard also connects to the Vizio Co-star or other Google TV devices that allow for Bluetooth connections.
A free alternative for iPhone or iPad buyers comes from the iTunes App Store. Get the Apple Remote app. That’s great so long as the iOS device connects to the same network as the Apple TV.