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Lost Your Phone? Don’t Have A Security App? Time for Plan B.

There’s a meme going around the Internets these days that goes: “We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity.” That may be overstating things a bit. Still, losing your phone is a big deal and the cause for a lot of cursing, tears, and anger. Especially if you didn’t put any protection on it.



There’s a meme going around the Internets these days that goes: “We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity.”

That may be overstating things a bit. Still, losing your phone is a big deal and the cause for a lot of cursing, tears, and anger. Especially if you didn’t put any protection on it.

While it’s best to prepare for the possibility of phone loss ahead of time by installing an app that can track and help you recover your precious device, there is now hope for those amongst us who wait until disaster strikes to prepare for it.

Lookout Mobile Plan B

The app is appropriately called Plan B and comes to us from Lookout Mobile Security. It’s for Android only since it utilizes the Market’s ability to install app from the web to work.

If you go to the app’s Market page and you’re signed in to your Google account, when you click Install a window will pop up asking which device to install it on. Choose the device you lost and click install.

If your phone is on and has an Internet connection it will begin emailing you its location. If you need another update, you can text the phone to ping it and get a location update.

This assumes that someone hasn’t stolen your phone and done a factory reset, already. In that case Plan B won’t help you.

It’s still a useful app. If you notice your phone is gone before the thief has time to mess around with it or if the phone is just lost you have a good chance of finding it with this app.

The best protection is still finding a good security app that will remote lock and locate a phone and install it before it gets lost or stolen.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Ike Pigott

    01/27/2012 at 8:07 pm

    WP7 also allows for downloads via desktop browser commands.

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