Moto G Android 5.0 Update Hits More Users
Back in October when Google announced the brand new Android 5.0 Lollipop update many manufacturers promised quick updates, and that included Motorola. Google’s been busy pushing updates to Nexus users, as well as a new Android 5.0.1 update to fix some bugs, and today we’ve learned the original Moto G (2013) is now getting the Android 5.0 update.
Last month Motorola confirmed the new Moto G (2014) Android 5.0 Lollipop update was officially rolling out, and the same arrived for the Moto X Pure Edition. However, those with the original Moto G from 2013 were left out, but not anymore.
Read: Motorola Android 5.0 Update Breakdown
Late last week Motorola issued an update for some software on the Google Play Store that hinted at an update for the Moto G 2013, and as expected, that’s now arrived. As of yesterday the Moto G (2013) Android 5.0 update is rolling out to some users, and more should be coming soon for many US owners.
The Motorola Update Services app on the Google Play Store was updated with some changes and tweaks to allow delivery of the Moto G Android 5.0 update, and now less than a week later it’s officially here, at least for some.
The Moto G is one of the most affordable and impressive smartphones available today, even though the improved and same priced Moto G 2014 is a bit better. That said, the Moto G was Motorola’s most successful smartphone release of all times, meaning that millions of users have the phone and are anxiously awaiting this upgrade.
Multiple owners at the XDA Developer website have confirmed the Moto G Android 5.0 update is rolling out, although it hasn’t started yet in the United States. The most widespread confirmations are coming out of India, likely as Motorola tests the software in smaller markets before pushing it out to those in the United States.
Read: Best Cheap Android Smartphones [December, 2014]
This release makes Motorola’s popular Moto G just one of a few smartphones released last year to already receive the new update to Android 5.0 Lollipop, and along with it comes tons of changes and improvements. Owners can expect a completely new look and feel to Android, smooth animations, neat effects and visual responses to touches and taps, a redesigned notification bar with better lockscreen notifications, and much more. Here’s more details about what’s new in Android 5.0 Lollipop.
Last month we got our hands on the Moto X Android 5.0 update for those looking for additional details, as the update for the Moto G should be essentially the same.
Again, for now the update appears to only be rolling out to owners of the original Moto G in India and a few smaller regions, but we’re expecting Motorola to push this to those in the United States and other regions extremely soon. Possibly within the next week or two. More details can be found from the Motorola update page.
As always, users can head into settings > about phone > check for updates to see if the update is ready and waiting for your handset.
Anthony Thomas
12/22/2014 at 10:51 pm
Love my Moto G..Not sure how to get lollipop.