Motorola Promises Jelly Bean Updates for Droid Bionic, Droid RAZR & RAZR MAXX Again
Motorola, in an update to its software scheduled, has once again promised Jelly Bean updates for the Motorola Droid Bionic, Motorola Droid RAZR and the Droid RAZR MAXX.
In an update to its software update page where it details which devices will be getting which Android updates, the company made what we already heard official. The Droid Bionic, Droid RAZR and Droid RAZR MAXX will all be getting the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update at some point in the future. Unlike past updates, the company remains mum on specifics about the roll out.
Possibly in an effort to make sure it doesn’t let down customers, Motorola does not list any time of a roll out schedule for the updates, only saying that they will be coming down the line. Of course, just because Motorola says this doesn’t mean that the updates will actually roll out.
Read: Motorola Droid Bionic Ice Cream Sandwich Update Starts Rolling Out.
The company said the same thing for several Ice Cream Sandwich updates that were ultimately cancelled. Others, like the Droid Bionic Ice Cream Sandwich update, which rolled out today for some users, were delayed.
However, this is much better news that no information or confirmation that the updates will not be coming at all.
If the Droid Bionic, Droid RAZR and Droid RAZR MAXX all are graced with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, it will mean that they are graced with the best Android operating system to date. Jelly Bean, is a huge improvement over Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, their current operating systems.
From the smoother user interface, to the improved Notifications, to the enhanced browser and calendar, Jelly Bean is a fantastic piece of software and one that should be welcomed by owners of all three devices.
We’ll let you know when we hear about roll out dates or windows.

10/19/2012 at 4:26 pm
Fantastic news! Though…I’ll take it with guarded optimism.
10/19/2012 at 9:18 pm
Like I’ve been saying time and time again they should’ve just dropped the bug fix and started working on JB. Because of their poor planning, now we get to wait for another handful of months to a year likely. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Best iphone5 Case
10/20/2012 at 12:20 am
Now it is to see the Fight between Jelly Bean and iphone5 IOS6
10/20/2012 at 9:38 am
Hello Guys!
You can jailbreak iOS 6 here :
And dont forget to check the top tweaks! They are awesome!
10/20/2012 at 12:46 pm
That’s awesome! As I was reading this article pertaining to the Droid Bionic all I could think of was “Where can I jailbreak iOS 6?”.
10/24/2012 at 6:01 pm
The Jelly Bean Update ruined my droid! Crashed music, gallery, maps, and half of my aps. Phone is overheating, battery is draining within a couple of hours and the whole homescreen is blacking out. The phone had no problems what so ever just two hours before the update!! UGH
10/24/2012 at 7:32 pm
Ice cream sandwich update* ;)
Wish we had JB. Moto has to be smart enough to do it properly this time, which would fix the ICS mess. But yes, battery sucks so much now. Running all day with Juice defender doing what I set, with no use from me, at end of day battery would be 95% on GB. Usage was proportionally similar obviously. ICS, down to 70% with no use and with usage I usually have to charge twice or more a day.
Factory reset worked for a good day then it slowly got worse and worse over time again, ruling out any application interference or data fixes.
10/25/2012 at 9:19 am
My battery has been way better since the update? I’m not really sure what the issue with your phones are but my phone lasted a good 10 and a half hours with quite a bit of use WITHOUT juice defender on… I love the update to be honest.
10/25/2012 at 7:54 pm
Well that’s how it should be. My Galaxy Tab 10.1, when it got ICS, batary was noticably better and overall operation was smoother.
I don’t know how or exactly where but Moto screwed up somewhere massively which seems to be causing every other person issues with the Droid family. Again many people experience it, many don’t. Everyone I personally know does happen to.
I would send my phone back, but I don’t want a refurbished piece of junk when mine works perfectly fine, just the OS (software), not the hardware that’s faulty.
I would root my phone which would very likely fix it all. But honestly I personally have no need for a root, so not going to bother with it. Come around JB I might eventually since I bet JB is the last update this generation will see.
10/27/2012 at 6:35 am
Did you find a solution? Mine is having the exact same problem.
Brad F.
11/20/2012 at 8:09 pm
Lol ain’t that a bitch? Dumb hoe shouldn’t be eating jelly beans.
10/25/2012 at 2:53 pm
Gta 3 and some of the best tegra powered games don’t work on the bionic anymore after the update.i really do think motorolas a great manufacturer, so please don’t make me lose my faith in you guys.make jellybean fast and fix the ics bugs.
10/26/2012 at 3:27 pm
If they don’t update their phones until the hardware cannot handle the update, then I don’t see why I wouldn’ t buy a nexus next time. Even the Nexus S with a single core runs very well with Jellybean. The bionic should have years ahead it with hardware optimization for dual-core android.
10/26/2012 at 7:56 pm
You have to factory restore the phone when you do an update. I have the maxx and love it with ics. At first it sucked. Did fr and its great. Battery last 17-23 hours.
10/28/2012 at 11:39 pm
Mines been awesome with ICS.
Duane Wong (@duanewong)
11/20/2012 at 5:30 pm
I agree, for my Bionic.
J.S. Hill
11/13/2012 at 4:34 pm
I’m running ICS update w/ Eclipse ROM 1.2 and this thing is a beast I love this phone again check out house of bionic for easy root and detailed walk through!
12/03/2012 at 10:07 pm
It will be a good long time before I forgive Motorola for that fiasco with ICS, if I decide to ever do so. It wasn’t so much the delay in releasing it, but the fact that they chose to lie multiple times about release dates and then not release any information at all – and I’ve owned Moto phones since the half brick. They’re going to have to win me back. Until then, I really enjoy my GS3.
12/08/2012 at 2:12 am
Motorola promises doesn’t worth the bits it cost to print them online.
everybody with brain, should keep away from Motorola products.
Joe K.
12/29/2012 at 4:38 pm
I agree! See My post Below
Joe K.
12/29/2012 at 4:35 pm
Why Is Everybody bitching about ICS? it Ran Fine For Me SinceThe Update On My Moto RAZR MAXX. I’m Pissed Off That My device Automatically Loaded Jelly Bean. Having all Kinds Of Problems. Am Using It Now ToType This Reply Using Swype. It Capitalizes Every word! I Get An Error Message every Time The Boots Up. “Unfortunately, The Process Com.Motorola.Vzw.Vmm Has stopped.” I’m AlsoTold That I Cannot Go BackTo ICS! MOTOROLA SUCKS for Releasing This Before It’s ready!
02/08/2013 at 2:50 pm
i love my bionic, but last time i was promised an update it took FOREVER to get it..this on better be more timely.