Motorola Droid X Gingerbread Update Bricking Phones
Yesterday, it became very clear that there was a major issue with the Motorola Droid X Gingerbread update. As you might know, it’s available to all Droid X owners right now. And while most owners are happy campers, it seems like a few others are going through a nightmare.
You see, the OTA update has apparently bricked a bunch of Droid X devices. We heard about it from GBM readers and now we’re seeing it pop up in other places as well. It seems some Droid X owners are saying that after installing the update, their phone goes black, and the phone refuses to reboot.
That my friends is a bricked phone. Other are reporting that while they thought their phone was bricked, the phone was able to boot up at a later time. It’s unclear how many people this has affected but if we had to guess we’d have to think the percentage is low. The update also has apparently brought along a few of the issues that major Android updates usually bring along with them:
Battery life problems and issues trying to sync.
Those are obviously petty compared to the device becoming unusable. So, we have to ask, anyone out there having major issues with the Droid X Gingerbread update? And if so, is Verizon taking care of you?

06/02/2011 at 6:53 pm
If you reset the phone it will work fine. My wife had to call Verizon this morning because her droid x was just a black screen. After the reset it worked fine. Verizon has had a lot of calls about it and the rep said she spent 2 hours yesterday trying to figure it out.
Adam Mills
06/02/2011 at 7:08 pm
Thanks, Jeremy. I’ve heard from several owners that actually had to send their phones back though so I don’t think the fix will work for everyone. :-/
07/24/2011 at 1:41 am
So I had the Gingerbread disaster happen to my phone too. Did some reading and finally just brought in too Verizon and they told me they’d send me a refurb. So in the meantime I decided to screw around with it because I had nothing to lose.READ THIS CUZ THIS FIXED MY PHONE AND SAVED MY INFO! I DIDN’T HAVE TO REFORMAT.First my issue was that after installing Gingerbread my phone would start up but then after about a min it would freeze up. I’d have to pull the battery and try it again. After maybe 10 times I gave up. Then I did some readiing. Everyone was talking about going to the Droid setup screen to reformat their phones. So I decided to take a peek mess around in there and try ONE THING DIFFERENT.To get to that screen (I’m sure you know or have seen this):1) While phone is off, hold Home buttom and power button.2) Little Droid person and a ! will popup.3) Press volume up and volume down at the same time.4) You’ll be at a prompt screenSO HERE’S WHAT I DID DIFFERENTLY5) Instead of selecting Restore/Format Phone I selected “Clear Cache” 6) It did it’s thing and then I hit Reboot Phone. And voila….it worked. So give it a shot. Maybe I got lucky but it took all of 3 minutes to do and it saved my phone from freezing after a minute of rebooting. Goodluck.
07/27/2011 at 12:38 am
Gave it a shot and still freezing up as soon as I touch the screen to go into anything. Worth a try though..
07/27/2011 at 1:32 am
Had to do complete factory reset. But had apps and contacts backed up. Restored most just had to tweak a few things.
07/27/2011 at 5:16 am
this worked! thanks for the post!!!
Da Coop
07/27/2011 at 12:44 pm
I had to wipe the cash twice but now I back in action. Thanks for the help!!!
08/01/2011 at 4:21 am
I love you. Thank you.
08/08/2011 at 4:19 pm
omg. i think this worked. haha! at least i hope so!
08/09/2011 at 3:12 pm
why cant i figure out how to select the clear the cache partition? none of the buttons seem to “select” it. im so frustrated this is the second time an android system update has frozen my phone!
08/10/2011 at 8:05 pm
worked for me.. after gingerbread bricked me, i brought it to verizon. Tech said only fix was warranty replacement, but i hated loosing apps and couldnt be without a phone for 2 days. Bought a samsung charge, activated it, and when I got home decided to surf for anyone else with same problem on my DroidX. found this, did the clear cache and it fixed the phone. Now im stuck with a Charge i dont need, and they sent me a new droidX under warranty. Try the fix.. it works!
08/11/2011 at 6:09 pm
D’oh! Still bricking on me after reboots. I’ll try a few more times before I have to resort to the factory reset :-(
Verison tech support is also useless. I complained that they should be warning/advising customers of the potential upgrade problem… BEFORE they try it. What a concept….
08/11/2011 at 6:12 pm
Anyone know how to get the update software (patch) on the SD card from a bricked phone? I can probably do it through my PC IF I can find the download zip file. Seems like this is a worthy try before the big reset.
11/04/2011 at 9:46 am
The customer service is definitely useless. I had a Droid X (new 30 days) and I couldn’t figure out WHY I could not send pictures through texts. Pics would go through e-mail, etc just fine except texts. So, customer service tried rebooting everything. She sent me a factory refurb phone as replacment. (First of all, my phone was one month old and they never said they were replacing my phone with a refurbished one, no way did I want it so I mailed it right back to them.) I kept my original phone and I found out on my own, that it was simply an application I downloaded that prevented me from texting pics. I don’t know which one but when I did a factory re-set, I downloaded back the apps that I had one at a time, testing to see which app was doing it. Anyways, it’s not cool when the techs don’t know about new phones and capabilities.
09/15/2011 at 10:09 pm
Worked on mine! Thanks
11/02/2011 at 12:14 pm
Thanks ENards19 this really works! Everything is running very fast, almost like it’s brand new.
11/17/2011 at 10:19 am
I just had a screen freeze then black out. Updated Gingerbread a few days ago What the heck is that anyway? I tried pressing both volume and on switch and finally got the phone to be responsive thanks so much there is no repair place close by, major annoyance
07/24/2011 at 1:41 am
So I had the Gingerbread disaster happen to my phone too. Did some reading and finally just brought in too Verizon and they told me they’d send me a refurb. So in the meantime I decided to screw around with it because I had nothing to lose.READ THIS CUZ THIS FIXED MY PHONE AND SAVED MY INFO! I DIDN’T HAVE TO REFORMAT.First my issue was that after installing Gingerbread my phone would start up but then after about a min it would freeze up. I’d have to pull the battery and try it again. After maybe 10 times I gave up. Then I did some readiing. Everyone was talking about going to the Droid setup screen to reformat their phones. So I decided to take a peek mess around in there and try ONE THING DIFFERENT.To get to that screen (I’m sure you know or have seen this):1) While phone is off, hold Home buttom and power button.2) Little Droid person and a ! will popup.3) Press volume up and volume down at the same time.4) You’ll be at a prompt screenSO HERE’S WHAT I DID DIFFERENTLY5) Instead of selecting Restore/Format Phone I selected “Clear Cache” 6) It did it’s thing and then I hit Reboot Phone. And voila….it worked. So give it a shot. Maybe I got lucky but it took all of 3 minutes to do and it saved my phone from freezing after a minute of rebooting. Goodluck.
Jerry Marcus
06/02/2011 at 7:36 pm
I called Verizon and she didnt know a dman thing about this update. Thats what is expected from a third party call center rep.My is frozen stiff. And Verizon has no idea how to fix this.
06/02/2011 at 7:38 pm
The grammar in this post is painful. Please proofread.
06/03/2011 at 4:13 pm
You claim the grammar in ‘this post’ is painful. Technically and grammatically speaking, as you did not specify the subject of your post, we must conclude ‘this post’ must refer the post you are writing. Perhaps you meant the grammar in ‘your post’ as I cannot see the purpose of pointing out your own faults as you make them.
While we are on the subject of grammar “Please proofread.” is not a sentence. Sure it has a predicate, but lacks a proper subject. What are we to proofread? Having failed to define the subject of your statement (again) we can only assume the subject must be the last subject you addressed in your post. As we have already determed that subject, technically and grammatically speaking, of your 1st sentence can only be the post you wrote. Did you intend to ask the readers of this blog to proofread the your post? It might be a small matter but I feel it is an important one to point out that proofreading something that you have already published is impossible.
In your 1 and a half sentences you’ve managed to achieve about 20% success in being grammaticly correct yourself. I’m sure I’ve made a few mistakes here and there in my post as well but that’s OK. Its the internet and the only rules are to make yourself understood. Both the poster you decided to bash and yourself accomplished that task.
06/07/2011 at 4:34 pm
Shut up fag!!
06/11/2011 at 8:07 pm
pompous ass
06/15/2011 at 8:08 am
Djietzen that was awesome, game set match
Craig DjRuiner Avery
06/16/2011 at 2:44 am
06/21/2011 at 5:04 pm
In the second person imperative, the subject can be implied. “Please proofread” is a complete sentence.
06/23/2011 at 8:02 pm
“This post” is perfectly acceptable grammar, as the reader understand the implied subject. As is “Please proofread.” The subject (you, the reader) is implied.
TL;DR: Anyone who graduated from public highschool knows about implied subjects. I hope you aren’t an English major.
Anon Y. Mous
07/03/2011 at 4:22 am
Whoa! The grammar nazi app on my phone went haywire when it saw those posts! Calm down people.
07/22/2011 at 6:17 am
Why so serious? The comment Djgietzen made was a bit insulting to the poster but I think it was done jokingly and was actually kind of funny. Folks, let’s not lose focus of the original blog topic: anyone out there having major issues with the Droid X Gingerbread update? And if so, is Verizon taking care of you?
07/22/2011 at 6:20 am
LLS @ Anon Y. Mous! Too funny
06/02/2011 at 10:13 pm
Just uploaded the new gingerbread to my Droid X. No Muss No Fuss….. works just fine. Long term will tel overall.
Geri O
06/02/2011 at 11:43 pm
Come on, guys. I expect something like this from an Apple Fanboy site, but I thought you guys were better than this “sky is falling” stuff.
Yes, a few users are experiencing issues after updating their Droid X to GIngerbread. However, I’ve updated 3 of them on my account even without performing the recommended factory restore before updating. No problems with any of them at all. A lot of the problems are app-related. And those reporting issues that kill the phone are getting replacements..
Nothing new, unfortunately it happens on all phone updates.
Geri O
06/03/2011 at 5:21 am
Its not just a “few” users.. If you researched the topic you would know this.
06/03/2011 at 4:15 pm
how many users is it? What percent of droid X users are updating with the factory reset and getting bricked, what percent are updating without the reset and getting bricked?
Patrick Avella
06/21/2011 at 6:19 pm
My phone is completely bricked, but thanks for being selfish.
06/03/2011 at 1:14 am
My phone went black after the update. I removed the battery and it restarted fine.
Jason Rezendes1975
06/03/2011 at 7:21 pm
I did the update… I like some of it and some of it I don’t… for instance when you want to fill in a field on the web I used to be able to hold in the window and up would appear my clipboard… I can’t figure out where it is…. also can you revert back to 2.2 and how? Thanks!
Great White Shark
06/03/2011 at 2:16 am
Mine will boot but freezes immediately after. Verizon is having Motorola send me a new phone… I cannot perform a hard reset at this time either.
06/04/2011 at 12:55 pm
You wont be getting a new phone ….u will be getting a factory refurbished phone. I just went through this last night on the phone for almost two hours. It kept restarting even after doing what the unhelpful. Customer service rep was telling me that I had to call android and motorola instead of them. Wtf is that shit!
06/12/2011 at 2:06 am
My Droid x would download, but not install the update, so they sent me a refurbished one with gingerbread already on it. The first day I had it, it crashed.ask out would do is show the red M. I tried to do a factory reset, but the button combo for factory reset had changed. I played around with it until I found the combination, and redder my phone. That was a week ago, and so far, all is well. Although, I’m not vert optimistic with a refurbished phone.
07/18/2011 at 1:37 am
Tell me about it, sheesh me too…I wanna go back to 2.2
Jason Rezendes1975
06/03/2011 at 7:52 pm
I did the update… I like some of it and some of it I don’t… for instance when you want to fill in a field on the web I used to be able to hold in the window and up would appear my clipboard… I can’t figure out where it is…. also can you revert back to 2.2 and how? Thanks!
06/22/2011 at 9:08 pm
The clipbord
Perhaps iphone paid those guys off to make us all want new phones. I am very bumbed out about the the clipboard. What? I figured out how to copy its a touch swipe text. And paste only paste texts without a paste from clipboard option.
Now I have to make several stops to photobucket, to do one posting at my favorite website.
so lame.
**Where is the clipboard?????????**
06/04/2011 at 12:02 am
I have a stock Droid X and went from Froyo to Gingerbread last night.
No my camera and video are black screens.
Any ideas on how to make it work?
I have payware stuff that I do not want to have to contact the author and reinstall.
Ray DeWitt
09/11/2011 at 12:31 am
My camera is inoperable too. Please help!
06/04/2011 at 2:14 am
I downloaded the gingerbread update and it froze my phone. After several restores most works fine but wifi will not work. It says it is connected to my wireless router but has no data connection. Anyone know a fix for this?
06/06/2011 at 4:10 am
just did the update about an hour ago on my droid x.. keeps freezing then just shuts off and wont turn back on until i take the battery out and put it back in..then it does the same…this sucks
07/18/2011 at 1:44 am
Yes it does on too many levels, I spoke with Motorola twice, for the first phone, than Verizon replaced it with a refurb with GB installed by Motorola, it was worse than the first phone, I wish I would have never done it…I expected some quirks but not black and gray horizontal lines or a black screen, so with help from tech services major no go…
eric sorrentino
06/06/2011 at 6:09 pm
Mine is toast too – and Verizon is essentially saying “Too bad so sad – we’ll send you a refurb replacement, but if the device you return isnt in 100% flawless condition, you’re going to be charged $300…”
All this over something they did…
06/06/2011 at 7:16 pm
I just applied the update this morning and it installed fine, but when I started the phone and tried to use any of my applications (including settings) they freeze up and just FC constantly until my phone freezes and crashes. Gingerbread screwed me!
06/06/2011 at 8:55 pm
I did the update last week and lost EVERYTHING. Nothing was backed up in backup assistant or to Google and I went from hundreds of contacts to only 40…and no phone numbers!!! Verizon did very little to help me…did a hard reset on the phone and sent me packing with a “too bad so sad” attitude. Now it works but with lots of glitches…and I cannot connect to Bluetooth in my car. I’m ready to run the damn thing over with my car!!! So frustrated…and regretful that I did the stupid update.
06/21/2011 at 6:14 am
Battery goes down fast when phone is standing by. Actually uses less juice while I’m talking on it. I saw a post that advised to turn off “background services” and that works good for maintaing the battery,but now I have to manually push my corporate email. No big deal I suppose since now my corporate email is just like my google email has always been on this phone–have to refresh to get gmail on a google phone??! Yup, Droidx sucks.
06/06/2011 at 9:02 pm
I did the update this afternoon and even after several battery pulls, it still blacks out after about 30 seconds of working correctly. Headed to Verizon after work.
06/06/2011 at 10:18 pm
I’ve had issues since updating my droid x with gingerbread also. The biggest issue is that my wifi will not work with WEP, WPA, WPA2, AES or TKIP or various combinations of b,g,n. It will work however on a open connection. I’m not going to change my security just because of this. It worked fine with Froyo. Another issue is the videos will freeze at times when using the video camera. The camera seems to bogg down rather quickly and the task killer/flash apps I have don’t do much whereas with Froyo they worked great. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I loved this phone with Froyo and now I hate it. I may actually convert to an I phone if there isn’t a fix or update. How can I revert back to Froyo?
06/07/2011 at 8:51 pm
DO NOT UPDATE DROID _DOES NOT WORK.Lazy engineers at Motorolla. To darn stupid to fix it or put update on hold until they get one that works.No wonder the Big M is going out of business. What a bunch of ignorant arrogant engineers.They need some adult supervision. I have about 50 phones with Lazy V and i am about to tell them to go pound their WIFI. Their problem but my time. If they would spen 1/1,000,000 of every cent they spend on crappy advertising on putting out a good product we all wouldn’t be wasting our time with..
06/27/2011 at 2:24 am
Yeah…… maybe we should just all get iPhones, huh? Skrew Moto & Droid all together and conform to the beautiful essence that is iOS5 :) *drooool*
GingerDEAD upgraded
06/08/2011 at 1:13 am
Add one more Gingerbread Droid X brick…
…battery pulled six times…
…nothing but a frozen home screen…
….removed sd card…
same thing…pulled battery another three times…
no way to reboot, restore, anything since it now has not a single functional screen or device button…
Updated to Ginger–DEAD…
functioning phone required for my job…
time to get an iphone?
Jose Romero
06/08/2011 at 3:15 pm
Did update last night phone has constant black screen and did everything to fix it with no results, I have clients and info for court meets and now I can’t get anything off phone thanks for the tremendous 2 day headache with this update, will be going with a iphone very soon.
06/09/2011 at 6:11 am
Updated mine and my wife’s the morning it was available. Mine locked up but then I hit the power button and it resumed. My wife’s updated without a single problem.
06/09/2011 at 6:11 am
Updated mine and my wife’s the morning it was available. Mine locked up but then I hit the power button and it resumed. My wife’s updated without a single problem.
06/09/2011 at 6:23 am
Yeah my phone is screwed….i dare verizon try and charge me for a new phone. This is ridiculous…
Samuel Carstensen
06/10/2011 at 1:48 am
FYI, Verizon’s replacing the phones. But they send a “like new” replacement, sans micro SD chip, battery, & battery door. I hate used equipment, so I’m not too happy. My understanding is that if a compliant (no jailbreaking & no 3rd party apps) Droid X user has his phone bricked by an update, Verizon should replace the device with a brand spanking new device.
It is the least they can do for causing the inconvenience in the first place.
06/13/2011 at 12:33 am
I argued the same thing to them about the replacing with a new phone, I’m on my 4th with VZ from system errors, 1st(brand new X Aug 2010)-facedown profile-phone never made another sound, 2nd-(refurbished) couldn’t hear even with volume turned all the way up, 3rd Froyo update, (refurb) can’t remember the little things happening but they sent me anothe refurbbished phone that worked great then BAMN BRICK with GB update. VZ told I had to call MOTOROLA and Moto told me they only repair Yadi ya ya. VZ said they buy form Moto and provide warranty replacements with refurbished phones but if I wanted a certified pre owned I had to buy it from them. Aftter 4yrs 4lines in contract, this is the answer from them. Yeah I dropped 3 lines finish out last contract and i’m done with VZ.
06/10/2011 at 6:49 pm
I just updated, phone locked up..called verizon, reset phone by taking batttery out, as the phone was starting up I pluged the USB cabel into my computer to try to backup date and the phone reboot just fine…just reboot again to make sure and all went well…
08/05/2011 at 3:20 pm
This worked for me after trying all the battery pulls. No reformat, or hard resets needed! Great idea.
06/11/2011 at 10:43 pm
I got my update and I must be one of the lucky ones, it seems to be faster and smoother but the battery life on it now sucks , it used to last as least 2-3 days now its dead by the end of the day. plus theres that annoying blue tint in the background when I drag up or down to far on the white screen, like in the options folder, plus the keyboard isnt as accurate as it used to be, I’m always retyping now, I used to type fast with no mistakes but it seems like the touch sense might be off just a tat bit. Hopefully they will release a new update soon to fix all the bugs that came along with this update…….and here I was all excited for the gingerbread update but now I’m not that impressed :(
Jon Novak
06/12/2011 at 12:47 am
Updated mine a few days ago and no issues with it except for one. It nolonger vibrates text messages. That sucks for i use vibrate mode quite often.
06/27/2011 at 2:02 pm
I’ve got the same issue, and it pisses me off!
06/29/2011 at 2:10 pm
The update just changed the setting. You can go back into the messaging app menu and turn the vibrate for text messages back on.
06/12/2011 at 4:27 am
It seems I may be one of the “lucky” ones as well… No major problems except my phone re-boots once or twice a day. While it is rather annoying, atleast I can still use the phone! I hope they release a new update soon…
06/12/2011 at 7:09 am
Since the update my droid x has been extremely slow, camera freezes when opened, and video file errors for vids taken after the update. 2.3 sux. I wish I never updated. :(
06/13/2011 at 12:17 am
My droidx was bricked by GB update on 6/7/11. Download over 3g took 58 min and install ran 22 min rebooted to black screen with error codes and said something about usb to program. This was a refurbished phone (don’t know if that has any play with anything from the froyo facedown feature that the last phone never rand angain) but the VZ rep said to take out battery which did nothing for reboot. They sent me to Tech support and he just ordered me another refurbished replacement but charged me for overnight shipping. VZ demands that the brick phone be sent back within 5 calendar days, not business days and it used to be that defective phones needed to be sent to VZ within 10 business days and today on Sunday, VZ sent me an email about this or get a charge of $500. VZ really wants this brick back and Now, wonder why the drastic policy change?
06/13/2011 at 12:17 am
My droidx was bricked by GB update on 6/7/11. Download over 3g took 58 min and install ran 22 min rebooted to black screen with error codes and said something about usb to program. This was a refurbished phone (don’t know if that has any play with anything from the froyo facedown feature that the last phone never rand angain) but the VZ rep said to take out battery which did nothing for reboot. They sent me to Tech support and he just ordered me another refurbished replacement but charged me for overnight shipping. VZ demands that the brick phone be sent back within 5 calendar days, not business days and it used to be that defective phones needed to be sent to VZ within 10 business days and today on Sunday, VZ sent me an email about this or get a charge of $500. VZ really wants this brick back and Now, wonder why the drastic policy change?
06/13/2011 at 5:07 am
So I WAS a proud owner of the Droid X, till it caused me too many problems. I just updated it about an HOUR ago, the phone turned on fine, now I get a black screen it will not work at all. It reset all my numbers from what I could see, Anyone think they can help me actually use my phone ? I need it to work because, I just ordered the Iphone because this piece of junk never works. Not happy at all.
06/14/2011 at 2:41 pm
So, my phone locked up after the download, just like everyone else. I took my phone to the Verizon store and the guy there was able to fix my Droid X. Apparently, you are supposed to wipe your phone clean of all foreign apps and then download the new OS. Since I didn’t do that my phone locked up. The guy at the store pulled the battery out and put it back in to restart the phone. During the start up he held down a couple buttons, not sure which ones, at the same time to be able to get to a screen with the Droid dude and a question mark. At that time I believe you hold down the up and down volume buttons to get to a screen where you have the option to wipe your phone. Wiping the phone takes a couple minutes. Then it will power off and power back on. At that time it will prompt you to set up your accounts again. Majority of the apps that I downloaded were recovered. I am now working with Gingerbread OS problem free. Hope this helps.
06/15/2011 at 6:38 am
Yep, reboot, black screen, pull battery, reboot, works fine…..reboot, black screen, pull battery, reboot works fine…
06/15/2011 at 9:27 pm
The only problem I’m having is when I go from 3g to wi-fi then back to 3g, the 3g won’t turn back on and I have to power down to fix it. Also, there’s a lag in the time on my home screen clock. Otherwise, like the update. Hopefully, they’ll fix the bugs soon.
Dustin Brothers
07/17/2011 at 3:23 pm
I am having a similar issue, except my 3G just stops working period. Signal is fine, it’s like the radio just goes into sleep mode and I have to power cycle to get 3G to come back. I thought it had to do with how many lightning storms we’ve been having in Colorado, but my Droid X does this even on a clear day. Maybe I should call Verizon?
Jason Bailey
07/19/2011 at 2:11 pm
I have this same issue, along with the screen going black at times. Has anyone found a resolution to this?
06/18/2011 at 1:58 am
Pull out battery. Put back in. Hold Power button and home button. When little guy pops up hold up and down buttons together. A menu pops up. Use up and down buttons to navigate. Do reset/wipe clean and it fixes problem.
06/20/2011 at 2:55 pm
I’ve got a weird problem with mine. I just installed the update on the 17th, and it seemed to be going smoothly right up until my antivirus (Top rated free one) kicked on and then I got a black screen. STrangely enough, even though I couldn’t look into my phone, nor could I place calls, if I press the camera button the camera works, and if someone else calls or texts me I can respond. Already took it into the verizon store, they were unable to fix it even with a complete format/reinstall so I’m waiting on my new phone to arrive today. I’ve had the Droid X for less than two months now.
Kent Nakamura
06/20/2011 at 11:23 pm
Back on the 1st if June, my Droid X began cycling off and on non stop and my wife’s bricked. After a short call to Verizon the both phones were replaced with the certified pre-owned phones, sans chip, battery and back cover the next day. It was relatively painless and trouble free I’ve got no complaints with customer service or the way and speed with which this was handled. I’ve had a few problems reloading the apps that I had, but other than that everything’s been great.
06/21/2011 at 12:08 am
I downloaded the gingerbread update just fine. And about an hour later I tried to switch profiles and the phone shut off and tried to reboot… as it was rebooting the red eye was all that showed. It made sounds like it was going to the home screen but it never did. O tried to factory reset the phone but the option wasn’t even there. I contacted Verizon on Sunday about the problem and there sending me a brand new phone that will be here tomorrow… very strange…. but at least Verizon took action and were very friendly about it. Overall just a little inconvenient.
06/21/2011 at 12:08 am
I downloaded the gingerbread update just fine. And about an hour later I tried to switch profiles and the phone shut off and tried to reboot… as it was rebooting the red eye was all that showed. It made sounds like it was going to the home screen but it never did. O tried to factory reset the phone but the option wasn’t even there. I contacted Verizon on Sunday about the problem and there sending me a brand new phone that will be here tomorrow… very strange…. but at least Verizon took action and were very friendly about it. Overall just a little inconvenient.
06/21/2011 at 2:18 pm
Added Gingerbread. Phone bricked. Tried everything for several hours. Gave up. Went to Verizon. The conducted a hard reset. Re-added all of my lost apps by going to the Google Android Marketplace site–which still listed all of my apps. Got rid of the ones I never used, so it was a good editing process, anyway. Phone works like a charm now. Much faster–seems brand new. Don’t fret over this, just do a hard reset.
06/22/2011 at 1:43 am
Did 20 hard resets, brick-a-palooza. VZW is warranty-replacing, but since it’s my only phone (biz/pers) I’m DOA for 2 days. WTH? Sux.
06/22/2011 at 2:56 am
my phone has become extremely slow terrible battery life text messaging freezing up phone rebooting. and verizon wireless is only sending me these crappy like new phones that allston I have the same problem I have received another phone today phone today and it is showing the same problems..
06/22/2011 at 6:43 am
I updated to GingerBread and my screen would power up, go black and then no buttons would work. Had to pull out the battery. Then had to do a hard reset on the phone (Holding down the Home button with the Power Button for 5 seconds until the green droid guy and an ! appears. Then hold down the volume up and volume down button together until you get the get option to reset your phone to factory settings). Let the phone wipe the data and then power it back up. So far-that fixed the problem. Although it sux to reload apps and set-up the phone again, at least I didn’t have to deal with Big Reds hired tech support.
06/22/2011 at 4:38 pm
Thanks for the shortcut buttons. I cant believe Verizon tech support didnt know about the buttons. I will have them cancel sending me the refurb phone. All I had to do was wipe user data. Now all my apps and stuff are gone, but I have Droidx running Gingerbread
06/23/2011 at 8:09 pm
My update to GB was unpleasant. First, the update repeatedly failed, until I performed a factory reset. After the update, I got a black screen, until some while later a text boot screen appeared with an error message. Searching online, I attempted to SBF back to .340, which fixed the error. When the phone updated again, it worked. Now I’m dropping wifi every five minutes, on several different networks, WPA, WPA2, and open. The phone has also gotten significantly hotter, especially when cell service is weak.
06/23/2011 at 8:09 pm
My update to GB was unpleasant. First, the update repeatedly failed, until I performed a factory reset. After the update, I got a black screen, until some while later a text boot screen appeared with an error message. Searching online, I attempted to SBF back to .340, which fixed the error. When the phone updated again, it worked. Now I’m dropping wifi every five minutes, on several different networks, WPA, WPA2, and open. The phone has also gotten significantly hotter, especially when cell service is weak.
Joe S
06/24/2011 at 2:15 am
Mine didn’t brick, but now my wifi connection won’t stay active. It connects to an access point/router, but as soon as I try to do anything, it goes inactive (white). Major problem for me.
I called VZW tech support, they couldn’t fix it.
06/25/2011 at 1:54 am
Wife’s phone bricked after GB, plugged it into the pc and deleted the hidden doubletwist folder.
After that no issues.
06/26/2011 at 2:10 am
I can’t even get to the green little guy everyone is talking about. I can’t get past the red Moto logo screen. I have tried holding down my power and home buttons but no luck. The screen stays the same. The only other screen I am able to get is a black screen that says Battery OK Connect USB Calbe to transfer. I updated earlier this week and didnt really have problems. It just went all of a sudden. My screen locked up last night so I powered down but it wouldnt even let me do that. It took a few tries because the screen wouldnt recognize it was being touched. I went to VZW today. The tech told me I was not the first to come in with this new update problem and that my phone crashed and ordered me a replacement phone. It’s Saturday won’t have til Tuesday or Wednesday. What about my apps, etc. I am hopign backup assistant will restore my contacts. I dont want another phone if there is somethin I can do to fix it.
06/27/2011 at 7:01 pm
I’ve been having the same problem with my droid x bricking ever since i installed the upgrade. went to verizon store – they did the factory reset. still had problems with screen going blank. got a refurb replacement sent. when i went to activate it – same problem. Screen went blank while I was actually on the phone call
I may have found out the deal, though simply by trial and error. I suspected my SD card. I bought an after market card b/c when i bought the phone in April 2011, it only came with a 2 GB SD card. I bought a 16 GB Class 6 ADATA card (from so I knew it was legit). When I start up the phone without the SD card – no problems. With the SD card – bricks every time within about 5 minutes. Tried that with both my old phone & refurb phone – same results. I’m going to try wiping the card and reformatting to see if that works out the problem.
06/29/2011 at 3:06 am
I use to have an incredible. stuck with the x because my phone broke (just not a motorola fan).
Mine bricked but it appeared to be an app conflicting with the update. Removed the battery, put it back in and still nothing. Found how to hard reset online, reset it and every thing was great. Just had to reenter my passwords. Google back up returned most of my apps and I reinstalled the rest with my backup app. I’m sure some people just sent their phones back and are receiving new ones when they could have hard reset. But at least they are being covered. I also removed the SD card during the hard reset so it wouldn’t be erased. I don’t like motorola but the update has definitely improved my experience.
06/29/2011 at 12:13 pm
Why don’t you “like” Motorola?
06/29/2011 at 3:44 am
I saved all my stuff off my SD card and reformatted it through the settings menu on the phone. Have had no problems since I did that.
06/29/2011 at 12:20 pm
A girl I worked with started experiencing issues with her keyboard after her GB update. A hard reset fixed all of the issues though.
Donathan Billy
06/29/2011 at 6:17 pm
Having the same issues. Bricked the original phone, Verizon sent a new one out and this one is having issues as well. Yes it does seem to be app related in some cases, got rid of all my apps, reset the phone and I am still hiving issues. Most of mine are eighths key board, hence the crappy typing. Wish I could go back. Use to love DROID X, but now im on the way to an Iphone!
07/02/2011 at 5:12 am
Having multiple problems, browser keeps having to force close, phone I enter #pr self from contacts starts to conn then stops back b4 making call. Changed most all of my settings, touch trying.g to find the 1st hanged and corret because not orig defaults and different new areas. Gets very hot and operates much slower at all functions and battery life worse than b4. Most problems better after turning off and on, e cept heat and slow. Phone used to be very fast now almost like going back to dial up. At times almost unusable. Bummed to say the least.
07/04/2011 at 9:45 pm
Updated with no problems what so ever. Love the improvements. Wonder if issues and bricking some are having is more related to particular apps on the phone?
07/05/2011 at 7:43 pm
I did the update — then phone death. The guy at the Verizon store didn’t even do more than look at it frozen on the red M and decide to have them send me a “new” (I’m sure rehab’d) phone, which will arrive “in five days.” I’ve got very few downloaded apps, etc., so I just think they did a lousy job of getting this update ready for prime time. Very disappointing — my first Droid X ate a full battery in a few hours, so they gave me a new one after a week or so. Now this. Not a great recommendation for either Verizon or Motorola (or Google?).
07/05/2011 at 7:56 pm
If u have gmail back up and back up assistant u should b ok. Ur paid apps will load once u log onto google. Unfortunately any info from those apps not saved onto ur sd card will b lost. Any free apps will have to be reinstalled, ie. Pandora, and if necessary u will have to log in to retrieve any saved info. I just went thru this but I do like the new update. No problems with my new X
07/20/2011 at 2:16 pm
The update went fine but within a few days,the problems all started. My touch screen doesn’t respond all the time. I have to tap it multiple times to bring up the keyboard,or click on an app. The camera, when it finally starts, takes blank pictures,as in the shot is completely black,even if outside. Browser will force close if on a page more than a few minutes as well as any video in the browser or youtube. It shuts down the browser or youtube app and returns to the home screen. When I click the browser,it goes to google with no indication that I even visited the previous site. This is my 3rd Droid X since I started my contract on February 15 2011….As much as MetroPcs sucks,I regret coming to Verizon from them
07/23/2011 at 6:43 am
I just updated my Droid X and what a nightmare! Nothing but a black screen and a battery life button. Even when I tried charging it or syncing the phone to my computer I got no response. I have never once posted a commentary on a any type of forum but I am so pissed right now. This Gingerbread ish seems to be a little out of control!
07/26/2011 at 2:59 pm
Ive had nothing but problems after the g/bread update and im receiving a new phone for the second time again. Would not make calls, would freeze up, the keyboard would disappear and the predictive text stopped working. Now the camera stopped working and the volume rocker doesnt work and it will not turn on or off. Im sticking to Froyo
07/26/2011 at 8:14 pm
I might not be an Android whiz, but I know quite a few little tips and tricks. If your phone is currently still broken, I can send you links, and information on how to get your phone back to Froyo. Also, I am re-downloading GB on my wife’s DX, to see if I can get to the bottom of this problem for good. I will try to keep posted on my progress. Good luck to you all, and like I said, if you need any help with anything from fixing your phone, to rooting and roms, feel free to let me know.
07/28/2011 at 2:45 am
Since doing the ota gingerbread update my wifi issues have gotten worse my gps does not work at all and my phone is slow and stutters
Really bad went to Verizon corp. Store they basically told me ohhh well if you would like to purchase another handset we would be glad to help you other than that you are SOL. Did I mention this is my 3rd replacement. Motorola products are JUNK period!!!!
10/01/2011 at 9:30 pm
Wow, I didn’t realize I had this account linked to my gmail. I’m sure you probably got it solved by now, but if not, let me know. I have my phone set up now to be lightning fast, reliable, and doesn’t screw up, unless I screw it myself
07/26/2011 at 8:14 pm
I might not be an Android whiz, but I know quite a few little tips and tricks. If your phone is currently still broken, I can send you links, and information on how to get your phone back to Froyo. Also, I am re-downloading GB on my wife’s DX, to see if I can get to the bottom of this problem for good. I will try to keep posted on my progress. Good luck to you all, and like I said, if you need any help with anything from fixing your phone, to rooting and roms, feel free to let me know.
Chris Evans
07/28/2011 at 10:04 am
I just tried the update (Before reading this) because one of my apps said I needed to do the update … now I’m getting the same thing a lot of people are, the black screen after booting and trying to use the phone … I have cleared cashe 3 times now … and Blackscreen … ugh! VZ and Moto need a new update … maybe they should call it “Gingerbread Man”!
07/28/2011 at 2:22 pm
Having major issues w/wfii and 3g when and where it use to work fine … Called a HAW tech and she questioned why I need wifi anyway since I have unlimited data….I was like…wtf did you say? ….Bottom line is my problems still persist and vzw was no help….
Jason Mcgalliard
07/29/2011 at 12:10 am
Dont know if im late adding to this thread but since gb update I’ve got issues with wifi on my X. I t will find and connect to public networks ok…the problem is with secure networks, at home or elsewhere. When I tried to connect at home all it would say is connecting but would never establish a connection. So I made it forget the connection. ( here’s the interesting part) when I try to re-enter the network info…I.e..username and password, it will physically let me type it but there is no option to connect. The connect button will not highlight. If anyone responds, please do so like you are writing a wifi for dummies book, as I am not DROID savvy. Thanks in advance
08/02/2011 at 1:27 pm
My DROID X was bricked by the 2.3 update. Verizon sent me another X with 2.3 already on it in it worked great for 7 hours then shut done wouldn’t turn on. Verizon sent me a DroidX2 with out the update and it just came through now. I am afraid to try the update again. I did like all new features but I am untrusting.
08/05/2011 at 2:28 pm
I installed the update and my phone can’t make or receive calls anymore! The Data and Location seems to be fine (They use the same antenna?) but voice is busted. If you reboot and make a call it seems OK. Verizon sent me another droid x (My warranty ended 15 days prior) but I sent it back and don’t want it because this smells like a software issue and others haven’t had any luck with that approach. They gave me a credit $15 off for July and the whole month of August. They also offered me an early early upgrade since my upgrade date isn’t until March 2012…. Bingo Here I come Apple iPhone 5 is set to ship in September/October and that’s where I’m going!
08/09/2011 at 3:37 pm
When I did mine it wouldent go past bootloader witch I thought was weird cuz I have un-rooted my phone. I had called Verizon and more or less they said it was done and to send it in but I thought ibwould try one more thing and that was to go to Droid x forums and get the. Sbf file and flash it over. It worked but dosent mean I’m happy with this new setup might just re-root till they fix all the bugs.
08/24/2011 at 11:11 pm
I despise my DROID x. I have many issues. So many I wish I kept track. Internet’s so awful I regret having to look things up. Many things freeze the notification bar alarm timer. There is no clipboard. There are only 3 alt profile schemes. Trying to use facebook angers me to the point of being anti social. Im paying so much money for forced updates and constant advertisements for more shit. I could keep going but ill save my breath.
08/29/2011 at 2:19 am
My son and I have both had problems. The keyboard dissappeared after hitting the space bar.we fixed that and a couple hours later my sons phone screen went black but he can feel it vibrate like it’s still powering up .
09/01/2011 at 4:28 am
Ok people, have you seen this one….. It appears the gingerbread update on my droid x caused my unusually long text message conversations to be shortened to 200 messages. I’m kind of pissed cuz I have a lot of photos that were text to me and it appears that these have been lost. Is there a way to recover these messages and photos?
10/04/2011 at 5:03 pm
This happened to me today. I took the phone to Verizon tech center. They reset the phone but it still did not work.
Verizon then offers me the option of Buying a new phone and signing a new two year contract. This is a very shady business practise in my opinion. The phone was bricked by a software update from Verizon, and Verizon then forces me to sign a new contract. I refused. I called up the FCC. They said that Verizon may possiblya be breaking some rules or laws. I plan to file a complaint with the FCC, and encourage others to do the same.
10/11/2011 at 4:46 pm
After the gingerbread update my DROIDX. Sd card was damaged to the point it couldn’t be read on any other device. Between Verizon and Motorola they are replacing my sd card. Saw where some htc evo users had same problem with gingerbread
10/29/2011 at 5:20 pm
I too ‘was’ the proud owner of a DROIDX. I really liked Froyo and repeatedly refused requests from the ‘Gingerbread’ man. He became impatient and forced himself on me (automatic update without consent). Basically my phone was raped and impregnated by the Gingerbread man.
I spent 3 hours today dealing with the issues via phone calls to Verison and Motorala, they were absolutely of No Help whatsoever. When all was said and done they said “that is just the way it is” and I cannot have Froyo back.
Although I am basically “ProLife”, in this particular instance I will be aborting and adopting a new Iphone
judith angelo
11/02/2011 at 12:27 pm
My droid just went black again. the first time it took about 24 hours off. So i don’t have a phone. Again. I haven’t seen any advice about how to get this fixed. I did the battery in and out bidness more than once, etc. nothing helps.
11/17/2011 at 9:28 pm
After update phone freezes. It also shuts off while playing pandora after a couple of songs. I think the upgrade sucks. Im ready to change carriers. My neighbors are also having the same type of issues. Also you would think when you pay for a device it should do what its designed to do not just part of it. As far as version fixing it, sure as long as you pay the 50.00 for a new phone.
11/21/2011 at 3:20 am
Yes, my boyfriend has verison and after update the phone will not boot up at all. Has anyone found a solution for this?
11/21/2011 at 10:49 am
I am on droid x number 5 replacement, and now my phone is blacking out again and intermittently rebooting all by itself. have had various issues with the droid x. also now I have numerous friends family telling me that my calls are not being received my husband has called 5 and 6 times on different occasions and the calls not reaching me.*
11/25/2011 at 7:42 pm
No Verizon could give twoshits about me. My phone will not bring the slide lock up and will freeze the phone. Sometimes its as bad pressing the power button to unlock and just lights the four keys on the bottom. Verizon has sent me another about a month and a half ago and still is messing up. I had a person in a Verizon store said the techs can flash it to the old os but the store near me told me I am making this problem up and they see no issue. If I do a battery pull I get a few minutes of use on the phone then it goes down hill. Sad thing is im about to go to and upgrade on my mothers phone and then activate it on my line. Verizon has really made me mad with this. No caring and doing nothingagainst for me. We have been with them for 7 years so this is bs. If anyone can tell me a solution it would help.
Droid user
12/01/2011 at 9:58 am
My droid 2 global automatically installed the update and now I can’t connect toany network providers. So I can’t make calls text or receive. Please help
01/11/2012 at 8:28 pm
I did the update on my Droid X and it only gets to the red Motorola symbol and freezes there. I can NOT do a system restore. Is there anything I can do?
01/11/2012 at 8:48 pm
I can only get to the boot loader system and not the root system.
03/23/2012 at 4:18 pm
It just haopened after I decided install the update hoping the phone I put all learning abc 123 apps for my year old loves to use. Now it appears bricked as it will not reboot like my Droid X2, Bionic, Razr and Razr Maxx. Even my HTC Droids both incredibles reboot after crashed. Both new Razrs can be rebooted by pressing the on off button and by holding the lower volume rocker. Not so with the Droid X. I am not happy. I am a good customer, I a new G’Nexus and a Galley Nexus but I never had to boot. I have a Palm Pre that was temporarily bricked after a webOS update, butPalm was awesome calling me immediately and walking through it. Motorola keeps putting out cool gadgets that unfortunately do not hold up very long compared to the consistency of our iPhones using iOS. I read Jellybean is arriving in april and ics is not on my Bionic or Razrs or Incredible