Report: Verizon iPhone 4 Was February’s Most Popular Phone
According to a report from market research firm comScore, Verizon’s iPhone 4 was the best selling smartphone in the United States during the month of February.
The report dubs the Verizon iPhone “the most acquired handset in the month of February” and comes a day after BTIG Research analyst Walter Piecyk released a report indicating that the Android-based HTC ThunderBolt was outselling the iPhone 4 at Verizon stores.
In addition, the report also states that Google’s Android grew 7% and is now makes up 33% of the marketshare. RIM came in second with 28.9% market share while Apple and Microsoft checked in with 25.2% and 7.7% respectively.
This represents a negative 1.3 point change for Microsoft, surprising considering the company’s recent launch of Windows Phone 7.
Verizon’s iPhone 4 has been on sale since February 10th with Verizon’s Daniel Mead calling it the most successful launch in the history of the company.

Cell Phone Insurance
04/02/2011 at 1:37 am
So there are 2 conflicting reports for Feb VZ handset sales (comscore saying iPhone and BTIG saying ‘bolt)?
04/02/2011 at 7:06 am
Hmm, so news read “Survey of Verizon reps says that the HTC ThunderBolt is outselling the Apple iPhone 4”?
Verizon’s iPhone 4 was the best selling smartphone in the United States during the month of February.— I totally believe this!
you can know the iPhone 4 is such a super Phone!
04/02/2011 at 2:52 pm
Verizon has the largest market share of the US they have over 1/3 of all US subscribers. ATT has a bit less and then you have the rest.
So if Verizon’s iPhone was selling like hotcakes, it should have increased its market share. If sales were not that stellar its market share would be around the same as it has been (as everyone else is selling Android) and if it was bad, it would decrease.
Clearly sales of the iPhone in the past quarter have bee flat, so its selling. But it being a huge success it is not. It has OLD technology. Considerably limited. And people buy it cause of status. Is it a better phone. For some yes. For most not. Multitasking on iOS is a drag, no matter how you cut mustard. And Apple has now been following Android for over a year in terms of innovation. (Global search, multitasking, hotspot, folders, etc) which they will continue to do so, otherwise they risk loosing market share (notifications, widgets,speach to text, text to speach, gps, etc).
So, no matter what anyone sais, facts are clear. Verizon is selling th iPhone but the speed at which they sell has reached a wall. And unless Apple brings to table something outstanding, its game over.
Regarding sales of Thunderbolt facts are:
– 61 percent of stores said the two devices were selling at about the same rate,
– 11 percent said the iPhone (News – Alert) 4 was selling faster and
– 28 percent said they were selling more ThunderBolt smartphones than iPhones.
All this is nonsense unless you actually know the total sales of each group.
04/02/2011 at 5:29 pm
It shouldn’t come as too big of a surprise that the iPhone 4 would not have blown away the Bolt in February sales. Both are expensive even with a 2 year contract ($200-$250) but in Feb. when iPhone 5 was still thought to be coming out in June/July many iPhone buyers would just wait 4 months to get the iPhone 5 with a 2 year contract instead of locking in to the 4 for 2 years. Android buyers whose contracts are up may look at the Bolt as an upgrade without needing to wait. 4G (LTE) may be a consideration even if it has nearly zero coverage outside of a few select cities.