Galaxy Note 4 Release Date Picking Up Steam
The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 release date continues to pick up steam despite there being no concrete Samsung Galaxy Note 4 release date in place for the United States or for key regions around the world.
Last week, Samsung took the stage and announced its all new Galaxy Note 4. The Galaxy Note 4 serves as its fourth-generation Galaxy Note and it’s a device that’s poised to replace the Galaxy Note 3 as the company’s flagship. At the its launch event, Samsung went into great detail about its Next Big Thing though it did hold back on some of the key details including the Galaxy Note 4 price and the specific Galaxy Note 4 release date.
As we’ve pushed towards the confirmed Galaxy Note 4 release date in October, we’ve started to see a number of key release details trickle out. In the past few days, we’ve seen an October 10th release date emerge out of retailers in the Netherlands and we’ve also spotted a possible October 3rd release date at Amazon in a Galaxy Note 4 pre-order. Both of those dates remain unconfirmed and given their source, both dates remain extremely flimsy in the build up to the Galaxy Note 4 release date.
While the specific Galaxy Note 4 release date remains unclear, it’s clear that the Galaxy Note 4 release date is making progress. While Samsung remains mum about a release, we’ve seen the Galaxy Note 4 release remain very active behind the scenes and in the past 24 hours, we’ve seen it make several new moves on its way to release.
Over the past week or so we’ve spotted international variants passing through their Bluetooth certification. We’ve also seen Galaxy Note 4 variants pass through the FCC including the AT&T Galaxy Note 4. Yesterday, we saw the Sprint Galaxy Note 4 cruising through the FCC on its way to shelves and today, we’ve spotted a few more variants.
Blog of Mobile, a site that tracks FCC filings, notes that two new models, the SM-N910 and SM-N9106W have both gained clearance from the FCC. These models appear to be associated with China Telecom, a key mobile service provider in China. China is a key battleground for company’s like Samsung and it looks like the Chinese Galaxy Note 4 release is inching closer.
Unfortunately, the filing does not confirm any specific Galaxy Note 4 release date details. Samsung and its carrier partners remain silent about the Galaxy Note 4 release in the U.S and at the moment, it’s still not clear as to when the Galaxy Note 4 will arrive on shelves to compete against the iPhone 6, LG G3, and HTC One. The Galaxy Note 4 release is, however, continuing to pick up steam.
While the Galaxy Note 4 release date remains out of reach, we do know what to expect from the Galaxy Note 4 specs. The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will be loaded up with new features including a new 5.7-inch Quad HD display, Snapdragon 805 processor from Qualcomm, 16MP camera with Optical Image Stabilization, new design that features plastic and metal, 32GB of storage, Android 4.4.4 KitKat, new software, and a brand new S Pen.
Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4 will be a powerful smartphone but it will have to contend with the iPhone 6, a device that will feature 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch displays combined with a sleek metal design. The iPhone 6 is already up for pre-order with a release date that’s confirmed for next Friday, September 19th. At this point, it looks like Apple will beat the Galaxy Note 4 to release despite launching a week earlier.
It will also have to match up with the new Moto X from Motorola, a successor to the original Moto X, and a device that’s expected to arrive sometime later on this month to replace the original Moto X from last year.

09/13/2014 at 11:27 am
samsung is already dead. Apple’s iPhones further reduced it to ash this week. Good riddance.
09/13/2014 at 12:18 pm
Samsung has 30% global share vs iPhones 15%. Dont think Samsung is gonna “die” anytime soon. iPhone 6 is nice, but I wont be getting it. I want the better spec’s that the note 4 has. Before you call me a samsung / android fanboy, I own a macbook pro with retina.
09/13/2014 at 12:26 pm
Luckily we’re not all zombies. Apple selling inferior specs & camera to the masses backed with media plotting. Putting Rivals news at the footnote of their pages. While hyping anything apple does to the non techies.
To each their own. I”ll chose the Note so I can be different. And not look like everyone else. Zombies said they didn’t want BIG phone as soon as Apple does it the gravitate to it. Stay with your outtdated iPod touch phone and stop bashing Samsung. Your phone is designed by Apple but has parts from LG,Samsung controlling the thing.
NOTE 4 crushes iPhone6+ all day every day. Deal with it. Now release that beast Samsung ASAP
FREKON8R (Verizon Employee)
09/13/2014 at 8:59 pm
If you look at all the specs of both phones, Samsung beats iPhone on many levels. I have been contemplating switching to iPhone for many years because many of my friends have one. When it comes down to it I am purely objective. I get the phone with the best specs all around. Samsung has done it again. I currently have a Note 2 and plan to upgrade to Note Edge/Note 4
FREKON8R (Verizon Employee)
09/13/2014 at 9:02 pm
Also, to add to that, one review of the iPhone 6/6+, stated it is simply an iPhone 5S with a bigger screen
09/13/2014 at 2:00 pm
@hmls, i dont know what kind of acid you’re on, man, but what the crap are you talking about? Apple reducing Samsung to ash? Hah. I’d let the specs speak for themselves. The iPhone6 is so 2012, and the Phablet innovation by Apple was not an innovation by Apple. I was an iPhone user for 5years, so i should know.
09/13/2014 at 3:24 pm
I was an iPhone users for many years until I finally decided to try Android, and bought the note 3. I am happy that I did, I will now be purchasing the note 4 as soon as it comes out. Apple iPhones are good phones but Samsung’s are better in just about everything. There is nothing innovative about the new iPhone 6, everything it has Android has had for years. I’m sure there phones will sell well, but so will the note 4.
09/13/2014 at 6:05 pm
Chingo, I also own a macbook pro and various Apple products, but the Samsung note line is the best cellphone line that I personally have owned and trust me I have owned numberous brands over the last 25 years. The OS8 software is much a spinoff off of older versions of Android (owned every line of iphone, up to the 5S) with the exception of SOE minor changes. I cannot see paying extra for something that, I cannot customize to my own taste. I make changes to my car, house, yard, even upgrade my laptop why not have the option of customize my phone. Don’t get my wrong, Apple makes high quality products (I own many of them) but like anything in my life, I want the best value for my HARD earned money and the Note line is currently serving that purpose.
Calvin Goff
09/13/2014 at 7:47 pm
Its the 16th for Verizon, and the 17th for the rest of the major U.S. retailers. From a Sammy rep.
09/13/2014 at 8:52 pm
Amazon showing release for October 3 and Preorder Now
09/14/2014 at 3:52 am
I need to take a crap
09/14/2014 at 4:42 am
I have used many different cell phones over the last 10 years. I bought my daughters I-Phones last year. What impressed me the most about buying those phones was the customer service. Every-time we had an issue I had a tech helping me fix it or replacing the phone. I have owned Samsung, Motorola, LG products and hands down Apple had the best customer service with LG being a close second. Samsung has a nice phone but customer service was almost non-existent. This year I am buying I-Phones for all of us because of how my issues were handled by Apple.
09/14/2014 at 6:35 am
Say’s the Apple sheep…baaa.
09/14/2014 at 7:48 am
Everyone that owns an iPhone is an iTard. No doubt about it. Also, us android users don’t have to go up to out friends an say iPaid. We get a great deal for our amazing phones. Samsung phones are neatly as strong as a $500+ laptop. iPhones pretty much compare to a laptop from 6 years ago. I will never buy an iPhone.
1. I am not an iTard.
2. I like my emulators
3. I like to modify nearly everything in my phone. (Not needing to root/jailbreak my device)
4. I like to be able to change my battery. Something iDevices will never have the capability to do.
5. Let’s just stop there. I could name 100 more things.
Like most of you, I don’t own an iDevice. Nor will I ever.
I will have the Note 4 the day of the release.
09/14/2014 at 8:36 pm
It’s this simple, if you’re an ignorant trendy moron you’re going to waste your money on the iPhone, if you actually can read and educate yourself on what you’re buying you’d buy ANYTHING else, like a can with a string attaching it to another can…… Apple fans are the most self righteous, obnoxious, ignorant, misinformed idiots to ever have an “opinion”…… You really just embarrass yourself.
09/14/2014 at 8:40 pm
And to the people get mad that Samsung advertises that they have better products, if you had a better product wouldn’t you point out why in your commercials? That kind of advertising has been going on since the history of commercials, so don’t get so touchy when Samsung points out how Apple is garbage, htc does it, lg does it, I don’t see people getting their panties in a wad over that
09/15/2014 at 12:26 am
Glitchy ios, glitchy itunes, glitchy performance arbitrarily restoring or deleting podcasts when not asked – ask me. I know from experience. I’ve had an iphone – and I’m tired of it. I’ve tested Samsung products, and a Samsung model 2 revisions back has all the productivity and functionality – and far more flexibility than an iphone 5s has now. I’ll wait until the new Note 4 is made available. Apple, you’re dead to me. You can blame your podcast folks mostly, but you can also blame yourself for your poor customer support.
09/15/2014 at 1:31 am
Buying an iPhone is like buying a new car with an 8track tape player and no airbags. 9/10 You could sell a bag of dogshit to an apple user.